
I really digged the letter, until when Ms. Kubrick called Ms. Duvall a “creature”, and all I could envision was

Kinda rooting for Grant and Hurley, TBH. I don’t actually believe it, but I’ll take what I can get in this shit year.

If watching too much BBC has taught me anything, it’s that “extraordinary” is not always a synonym for “good” in British English.

Dear America

Hey, Melania was only taking the job no American would do.

A friend of mine insists on only referring to Barron Trump as “Melania’s anchor baby”, which gives me life.

In his favor he’ll look very dapper in the uniforms Hugo Boss is no doubt designing for the entire senior White House staff.

BIDEN: Tell him on Tuesdays he has to spring for tacos for the former president. Say it’s tradition.

a major turnaround for a man who once called Obama “the most ignorant president in history.”

Mike Pence wants to Make America . . . Excellent.

tl;dr: we’re fucked but half of us knew that.

At your service...

The dog has caught the car.

Makes me haiku badly:

The bald statue? Wow. Is that offensive. Its clearly a bust of Wayne Brady and you should be ashamed.

“Orange is the new black”

It’s reassuring to see that we’ve voted in another man of color as president.

In response to Michelle’s comments, Melania Trump said, “Uh, no, not really. No, because you have to be in it, if you’re in it, and if you don’t agree you’d should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So...I stand there proudly, and I