
Maybe Larry did not know he was cheating?

“We have a bunch of talented, creative females, but they reach a certain point in their careers ... “

I received a very formal invitation to a friend’s third wedding, and these words were embossed in gold at the bottom: Divorce is not an option.


Horrible but not surprising. I think a lot of people assume Bill Cosby’s actions were unusual, when the truth is behavior ranging anywhere from sexual harassment to outright rape has long been seen as one of the perks of fame & power. If you could get Ailes and other men to speak honestly about their actions, they’d

Hahaha as a mediocre white lady who was mediocre white ladying before any of these ladies were even ladies, I can tell you that the vast majority of just just don’t give even the tiniest most microscopic shit about Taylor. She is just so aggressively bland that I can’t begin to understand why anyone gives a fuck about

Wino forever

Any evaluation that comments on a professor’s appearance (or vocal fry) should be immediately shredded and count towards nothing. That’s just absurd.

I am currently a young, female adjunct at a large (and well ranked) state university and I have several responses. I think we need to start a discussion between elementary, high school and universities because so many of the problems I see, stem from systemic logic that creates apathy from an early age.

As a former adjunct professor, I rolled my eyes pretty hard the first time I heard about the stories about students demanding trigger warnings to protect their fragile feelings.

It should but doesn’t always go without saying that, if you haven’t read something, you have no right to an opinion on its appropriateness for the classroom, particularly on the internet, where there is already so much noise

In Houston it is like they have a white person cloning machine and just keep cranking them out.

My father helped out a family and his extended relatives, after they had been kicked out of this sect - for asking questions about Warren Jeff’s legal problems. They were stripped of their farms or ranches, left with what they could pack in suitcases and a vehicle or two (they were always very nice late model, SUV’s,

A ban on married sex and chocolate.

Glad to see the sudden fame and success Leo has achieved since breaking through in his Oscar winning role in the Revenant hasn’t fundamentally changed who he is. Got to keep true to yourself and never let Hollywood change you.

I had a dream last night I was on the Titanic with Jack and Rose. I don’t know I just thought it was weird and thought I’d share.

Here is a picture of my Great Aunts all with their beehive hairdos.

It’s starting to reach the point where investigative reporters should start looking into what’s going on. I wouldn’t be that surprised if Trump is actually blackmailing Christie.

I thought it was when you become a mom.