
Well, to be fair, I think “frowning while delighted” is probably just a side effect of being English.

Jonathan Adler has my full support.

Starrgazing: A timeline

Craig James killed 5 hookers and SMU only got a year and change. The Baylor over/under is currently at 6 months...

It's actually short for Baylor Bearsnoresponsibility

Those monsters. They deserve the the strictest possible punishment the NCAA has: A small reduction in scholarships and a short-term bowl ban that could be reconsidered shortly.

Hard to believe that a church affiliated entity might have trouble dealing with sexual crimes

Now only is the essay callous and superficial, it’s written on a “Freshman Comp B-” level. Some of that is Amanda Lauren’s bad writing, but the piece is also badly edited. Fifteen minutes with my pencil, and I could have made it 50% better - but polishing the awkward prose wouldn’t have made up for the writer’s

Sassy helped me navigate the trials and tribulations of young Gen-X womanhood. It was the smart, feminist alternative to magazines like YM and Seventeen. It had articles that were about topics other than boys and makeup (although it had some of that too). I loved Sassy.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.

I flipping love my big boobs. Also, I greatly admire women’s small ones and am, in general, a fan of boobs. I don’t really have a point, other that I hope the other folks in this chain take joy in their bodies. Your body is a sacred vessel carrying you through every experience in your life, regardless of how others

My husband’s father was 40 when my husband was born. He’s very healthy and has never given us any problem. My mom was 21 when I was born. She had cancer when I was in my twenties and looking for a job. It was hard on me financially and psycologically. Having kids at a young age doesn’t shield your kids from dealing

Totally agree. There’s a point where Prince goes to the pedals to wrap things up, and it looks like he’s encouraged by Petty (or someone over there) to keep going. Musicians appreciate when someone’s just on fire, and Prince was out of his mind there. Not a single bad note or repeated phrase. That shit’s magical, and

Worse than unpopular. It’s wrong. You can count on one hand how many musicians could sing a five-octave range, have perfect pitch, play a dozen instruments, and legitimately lay claim to being one of the best guitar players on earth. In fact, you can count that on one finger, because Prince was the only one.

We throw the word genius around a lot in regards to our entertainers. 99% it is undeserved. I’m not a massive fan of his, but even I know that Prince was a fucking genius.

Look, either Oz is reprising the role of Yoda or he isn’t...

Not only all of THAT but...

At times in my life I have experimented with placing a scoop of Greek yogurt on top of the oatmeal.

Definitely clean your pot when you’re done cooking oatmeal. As for your bowel, isn’t that the entire point of the oatmeal?