
“Some of us worked hard to get where we are today, where we can shell out mad cash for real estate and ignore subject/verb agreement with impunity!”

I wish I could force-choke people with shocking regularity nowadays. To mix a couple references, the hate must flow.

I know!!!!!!!!! I mean, does this guy even hear himself? If your argument would work as dialogue for a villain in a Dickens story, you may need to reevaluate your life.

I am writing today, to voice my concern and outrage over the increasing homeless and drug punctuation problem that the city is faced with. I’ve been living in plaguing SF for over three years, and without a doubt it is the worst it has ever been. Every day, on my way to, and from work, I see people commas sprawled

The idea that successfully holding down a job and making rent entitles you to complete freedom from perceiving the unhappiness of others is so breathtakingly narcissistic.

You are screwing with the wrong people, Trumpy

Look at all that soul-sucking uselessness in one photo. It’s like a feathery vortex composed of self-congratulatory lameness so dense that it drains all the humanity around it. “We do nothing. We contribute nothing. Abandon your dreams. Forgo all compassion for your fellow man. We demand your complete attention for no

I don’t so much object to the color palette (I am very into neutrals lately) so much as every single one of the garments is hideous in both style and structure. They all look like rejected ice dancing outfits. 0/10, would not wear.

American Crime Story Season 2: Where In The Hell Is Beeks

These standards DO apply to adults in the real world. If I made a racist remark to someone at work, I would lose my job. If we want to treat college students like adults, then they to need to understand that even legal actions can have unfavorable consequences.

watch trading places. Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy have a much better take on OJ.

If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.

I can’t speak for Sodburger, but some of us want the kids and the chance to be good parents as well as the great career we invested so much time and effort into getting started. “Having it all” for women doesn’t mean making a billion bucks and a giant McMansion and hosting glorious dinner parties and weekends spent

The only real problem with the movie is the third-rate villain who looked like he was a henchman extra suddenly promoted to a speaking role.

Women don’t make children by themselves, for themselves, as some kind of idiosyncratic hobby. They should have partners sharing the burden. Societ should share the burden too. Also, fuck you.

Another Dallasite here!

is that how germans spell douche? hehehe

Wolfgang Ballinger? That cannot be his real name. It just can’t. I mean, was Awful Villain Person already taken?