
Also, my favourite thing about being a Dallas hater is knowing, like how I know the earth spins around the sun - that Jerry won’t win another SB in his lifetime.

You like Roethlisberger? How about Jameis Winston? Joe Mixon? The list is long. The NFL is a moral sewer, you should abandon it altogether.

This prick proudly proclaimed, in the midst of firing Jimmy Johnson, “There are 500 coaches who could have won the Super Bowl with our team”. Really? How about finding just one to get you back there dipshit!

Jerry got a ring with Bozo Switzer at the helm. The same Bozo who was in charge of an OU team that sold and

He put effort into it, too, when all he really had to do was write “Jerry Jones.”

Well, that’s it. I’ve gone through the eye of the storm. Gone to the other side of the looking glass. Crossed over. Whatever. However you want to put it, after 35 years as a Dallas Cowboys fan, I’m now actively rooting against my own team.

Hey, at least they didn’t wait 5 years and then surreptitiously pay someone to sue Forbes out of existence for publishing a true story. I’ve heard of that happening.

That seems right. Remember when Microsoft was the “Evil Empire” all on their own? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

I saw a good quote on Twitter this morning, which has probably been around forever but which I’ve never seen before:

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.

“I was trying to take my time and work through it”

The sex participants were making quite a racket.

What’s ironic is that Trump’s WIFE won’t go to dinner with a MAN who IS her husband.

I bet these men fantasize about congress passing bans on men and women eating together in public, women wearing revealing clothing, and women being able to go out alone (for their own safety, of course).

Have these people never gone to lunch with a coworker who just happens to be of the opposite sex? Is there the belief that dicks will just jump out and people will sweep the plates off the table and fuck madly?

This is very similar to when religious people ask me “if you are an atheist, what keeps you from doing bad things?”

You are correct. Referring to your spouse as “mom” or “dad” in a family conversation is perfectly normal. As in “Mom is going to live somewhere else because dad had dinner with his female coworker last night.”

I don’t care what you assholes say. Karen Pence was amazing in the Harry Potter films.