
These two!

I got a similar one to that—wanted me to allow her to resubmit her annotated bibliography because she made a 93 rather than a 100. She deserved a B+ in the class, but was getting an A-. She wanted to know “if there was anything I (not she, I) could do” to remedy that 93. I e-mailed her that allowing resubmission was

Only if that child is the offspring of a Walberg. Now that would be a memorable name.

Yes! I learned to read by watching the Electric Company—two years before kindergarten. My mom thought it was a miracle show.

He’s smokin’ brocco-lay! He’s smokin’ brocco-lie!

No no. He thinks he has principals. So he thinks he’s still in high school. That’s what I’m going with.

Yikes. Is it bad enough to be a cult favorite many years hence, after the Rebuilding Times?

I want it to start changing colors, like the horse in the Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz. That would make him much better to look at.

This just confirms that working for the Oprah machine would just be hell on earth. Can you imagine the feigned best-life positivity? The pressure to exude some kind of motivational-speaker-guru earnestness all he time? The tea-drinking, the mandatory yoga, the WW point friendly snacks? Oh the humanity !

Screen shot looks exactly like he’s smoking a joint. Damn hippy. (I do not really call people that. That is a joke).

Hell is other people. Especially the Camerons.

And treat ALL your weddings as if they are your first. Wear white! Get photographed with swans! And veils veils veils!

All in all, the best reason for a copper cup, really.

Thank you. I love stars. Non-caloric and all natural.

Little Rohan sleeps later than average—tired from his healthy diet of moonbeams and air.

My jib’s tailor is a total asshole.

Haha. My husband theorizes that AA gate agents and flight attendants actually go through surliness training before they are unleashed on the public.

My jib thanks you.

I had my kids at 32 and 39, and that was perfect for me, but not for everyone. I was not ready in my 20s. At all. But other people definitely are. Many of my friends have kids around the age of my eldest, but some are empty-nesters now or getting there. That’s weird. We kind of feel like we had our empty nest first,

Get Chubby.