
(Immediately texts link to son that is going back to college this weekend)

Tom Brady is literally worse than hitler.

I hope Giselle signed a rock solid prenup and somehow also takes all of Tom Brady’s money and he’s left penniless crying naked in his stupid uggz

OMG I don’t like Christina’s aesthetic at all, but I would love to see her lifestyle brand. Her tacky, over the top style would be a breath of fresh air among all these white, curated, artisanal sites.

Someone needs to press down firmly on the head of wax Sheeran - THERE fixed it.

I was totally waiting for Sheeran to be all, “I DID IT FOR CECIL. RIP CECIL.”

BRB changing all of my profile “about me”s to say “gorgeous loner”

As a Chargers fan, I found it very inappropriate to let her speak in a pollen-filled environment while everyone was chopping onions.

How to start your day like Mocena:

Resting Douche Face.

Unless you spend all your time trying to look hot while your wealthy husband works and the nanny takes care of your kid, then no she wasn’t talking about you.

When she said dnb I thought of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, not stay at home moms of adorbs little humans

But she isnt like other girls. This woman has been conditioned since before she could tie her own shoes to kick ass. She isnt like any other competitor in her sport either. Without even trying that hard she set a record for fastest championship match and only match to be won without throwing a single strike. She IS

Why is everyone assuming she’s denouncing EVERY OTHER PATH besides the one she chose? And why is everyone suddenly defending girls who do nothing but sit around and wait for a man to take care of them? She’s pretty clearly focused on a specific type of person who seeks out rich men to take care of them and mock people

I stopped watching the NFL completely last year. I had to walk away.

This was a tailor-made moment for them to seriously address the CTE issue, and they’ve chosen to stick their heads in the sand, while somehow managing to kick that sand in the face of his family. Bravo, NFL! I’m not sure you could have handled this worse if you wanted to!

You and I actually sound like we have some very similar experiences, so maybe my story will help to further explain what you’ve been missing.

I’ve been fat girl from puberty onwards, and I could track major crises in my life by my weight gain. By the time I was 13, I was fatter than almost all of my peers, and even

I think that what you are actually saying is that when people who are fat use their voices to say that they are happy and comfortable in their own bodies, it really bothers you. I think you are okay if fat people want to describe shame and discomfort with themselves, and then talk about how they really, really want to

Fat AND happy here. I’m just a few years and a few pounds more than you. I love fashion and have clothing, shoes, and accessories that I love and tend to err to the side of “dressy” in most situations. I love to wear makeup and try out new hairstyles. I am also pretty outgoing and a performer. My skinny to average