
Almost every parent I know started out saying “My kid will NOT be picky! I’m not going to cater to it and my child will eat EVERYTHING.” Fast forward a number of years and they usually say “I was so naive!”

Yes. The problem isn’t maxi dresses, it’s that there are too many poorly cut ones made of terrible fabric out there.

I love maxi dresses. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Update: Kelly is dead. RIP Kelly.

I would think that yes, it is 100% effective at turning you into a douche bag. I doubt it will get you laid tho.

Call it.

Get in line sister. Stef is the original hate-fuck.

When I get my time machine running, I’m coming for you, 1985 James Spader.

This kid today is 3000% a multiple-rapist.

I’m having a hard time picturing Steff wearing Mystery’s top hat with the Steampunk goggles worn around the brim that was a signature part of his look. Spader conveyed so much more with fewer accessories.

I cannot deal with the their/there/they're massacre that is this document.

I’m reading The Sociopath Next Door right now. And look, here he is, the sociopath next door!

Wish I could say I came up with this one m’self but safe to say I can’t unsee this:

They look like they’re one of the kids trapped in Flowers in the Attic.

Okay, this is stupid, but apparently the dress can still make me laugh-

Too much?

Looks like a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Dot Matrix?

I don’t care any more. I’m full-fledged, totally excited and invested. Sell my soul to Disney. Happy May the Fourth, everyone.