
because she had the audacity to declare to all the men of the world they would never be able to put their dicks in her mouth and that is an affront to the very essence of modern maleness - all mouths everywhere should someday aspire to hold their cocks.

Blow jobs are a privilege not a right. I enjoy blowing my bf but he is one of those mid 30s inexperienced guys and had only been asked to perform on a lady a couple of times. In his defense he also tried to stop me when I went down on him when we were waiting for a meteor shower early in our relationship because he

To me, it doesn't matter at all if this is fake or real. The situation IS real. I have a few friends who have been 'famous' to varying degrees, at some point in their lives—mostly as child stars. The majority (of a very small number) realized that it wouldn't last that long, so they saved their money, and found

She sounds like the coolest person ever!!! Now let's talk about her name. Lithofayne sounds like a shitty, disappointing painkiller. ("No I don't want a Lithofayne prescription, my knee is killing me! Give me some damn morphine!") Pridgon sounds like the villain of a fantasy novel. ("We must all take up arms and save

And her DAY looked fucking fabulous. I wish people hand delivered beautifully-wrapped gifts to my brownstone while I accepted enormous quantities of roses.

Yawn. More salacious shit happens at the RNC. They made it rain at the Tampa strip clubs:

It's over. Guilherme Crabogiale Fuck was all 64 seeds, and he swept it.

So, when it came to the all-Canada team, would say that Medicine Hat College had only one Fuck to give?

I eagerly await the publication of his memoir, Fuck: My Life.

It's quite obvious to me that the other teams are going to have to shut the fuck down.

Everything about this story makes me livid, starting with their wanting to separate a family because "Marsha and I always planned to have five children". These abominations would split up traumatized siblings because it didn't conveniently fit in to their plans. That should have absolutely been a red flag right from

"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."

I have a smart, mouthy four-year-old boy, and I do hit him when he does things like push, kick, or hit his little brother, because an eye for an eye. I always ask him, "how do you like that?"

There's just no way in which fundies aren't awful.

The trouble with christian values: they never outlast ones' ability to embody them.

Basically, you give as many people doctorates as you possibly can ... and then you hire all of the racist, sexist, inappropriate ones and give them tenure. Everyone else subsists on somewhere between $500-4K per class while also working minimum wage jobs and regretting their life decisions.

Somehow, despite this

This asshole has tenure. I can't even get a fulltime contract.

Dear Certain White People (you know who you are),