
I wholeheartedly endorse this assessment.

You have an aura about you, aggenttremble. You may be the one.

Why does nothing this hilarious ever happen to me? What must I do, Universe?

My date to senior prom asked me at the frozen yogurt shop. Why yes, it was the 80’s.

Wait a minute...I saw that episode of Bones, Tempie.

I can’t decide if seeing them together again, looking 20 years older makes me feel young again, or ancient. Either way. Will watch. I like the trailers—love hearing the music again.

Lair of the White Worm.

I love the Big Hit. Lou Diamond Philips absolutely devours some scenery in that. “Buckle up, Bitch!”

Not compared to editing a dissertation. Ha. It’s like a double-layer of nerd joy. MST3K + Shakespeare! Also, I was craving a little irreverence after spending 5 years being so. dang. serious about old Will.

I’m a Shakespeare scholar. When I was writing my dissertation, I used to watch scenes from it to blow off steam. The silliness was diverting. And I just love the weirdnesses of that production.

I love the MST3K Hamlet. Beyond all reason.

Not to mention the other science facts!

Brotherhood of the Wolf. Native Americans, 18th Century Frenchman, and of course, martial arts (?). Puzzling and glorious.

Nononono. Only EVIL Ancient Romans speak with British accents.

Pork BBQ restaurant adjacent, naturally. No moos-lams!

That is one crazy-capturin’ pic there. Well done.

Now THAT is doing God’s work.

Nothing makes me feel more bourgeois than a couture collection. Except maybe a wine tasting. Mmmmm....leather, hint of chocolate, dirt, clouds, whateverthefuck.

Fantastic use of reclaimed styrofoam peanuts. Very eco friendly.

I think these could double as the screening questions for people who exploit their friends to sell make-up, skincare, kitchen supplies, or essential oils in whatever multi-level marketing scam is the current thing. The Knot owns all of them, don’t they? It’s a conspiracy. I’m going to put on my tin foil veil and pull