
Awful. Here’s one: a family friend announced his engagement to soon-to-be third wife at HIS SON’S FUNERAL! His first wife, and mother of the son whom they had just buried, was there of course. At that point, we’re talkin’ pathological narcissism, I think.

Can top that. My sister-in-law’s wedding was on New Year’s Eve. Year? 2000. The fucking Millenium NYE. Wat.

Can’t wait

In Texas, we call that the Baptist Bob.

This donkey is wearing a flower crown. Your argument is invalid.


Um, hate to be pedantic, but you certainly meant “rill.”

In case you thought there was nothing worse than the wedding announcements in the NYTimes. Oh Phyllis Nefler, where are you?

There were not many actions movies ca. 1980-1990 without “Heat” in the title, were there?

Hard Target!!!!! With the added bonus of Wilford Brimley blowing shit up and having a “Cajun” French accent. I love that movie and Van Damme’s mullet.

I used to always follow this rule. My husband and I were complete prudes about any mini bar items in a hotel. Could not get past the markup.

That guy was a dick.

My husband received sexts and dick pics from my cousin (intended for cuz’s girlfriend). So embarrassing. My husband has been corresponding with him about potentially offering him a job. Mr. P is nearly impossible to embarrass, and it took him WEEKS to tell me about it.

As a person grading freshman comp papers right now, bless you for this lovely gif.

Fine. But can we please title the tome ART OF WOMAN!? Because that line led to the first and most satisfying snort in the whole read.

I work at SMU. Have not been to the library yet (have been to an event there, but not the Thing Itself). This sounds promising. Perhaps Tallywackers sells T-shirts that we can then wear to the library cafe.

Veronica and I will let you know.

Let us go together: veronica lodge super fan and polstergeist: The Best Restaurant in Dallas Is...

I love this because

I once went out for Italian at a casual local place. Our server was a kid (I guess he had to be 18 to be serving alcohol, but he was not any older than that). He was really personable and friendly, told us the specials, all that.