
Okay I'm going to confess something to you Colin: I actually like Cincinatti chili. And I am a Texan (who is married to an Ohioan). I'll concede that it bears no resemblance to actual Texas chili, and I had never heard of it before visiting my in-laws for the first time as a college youngster. I found it kind of

My husband worked in sales at a car dealership for a few years, and their manager would take them to a high-end steakhouse for lunch once a year. One of his favorite coworkers, an older guy (to us at the time—so probably in his late 40s/early 50s), looked forward to it all year and always ordered whatever was the

Treating tips as a "teachable moment" is the fucking worst kind of customer behavior ever. People like that treat ALL customer service as a "teachable moment" and are such insufferable jackasses. Like they are just out doing the goddam lord's work benevolently condescending to everyone. Vomit. I'm glad he ate

At the last public school where I taught, ED was the special ed tag for students classified as Emotionally Disturbed. True fact.

Oh dear lord. Are we related? I absolutely recoiled from this woman's column when I read it. The lack of self-awareness, the certainty that her kids have problems because she just loved them too much, just really sent me over the edge. I have a parent like this. We are not estranged, but I have had to learn to

This is crazy. I frequented an "alternative parents" online community about 9 years ago, from when my older daughter (now 10) was an infant until she was about three. And a very similar thing happened there. The story was so similar—the twin pregnancy, hospitalization, loss of one twin, money problems, fake husband

With a side of gratuity?

BLOWJOOOOOOOBBB! Om nom nom nom, etc.

penii (like genii. In a bottle. Or a ball of dough. Whatevs)


Bonus points for the excellent and vivid verb "waggle." I really can't imagine anything BUT a penis with that, honestly.

Ha! Yes. Supernatural ASSBUTT. I am crying.

I love him. I am going to pretend that this man is the Abbot just elected in Texas, instead of the horrid one that was actually elected.

that is my current screen saver. I accidentally projected it onto the classroom TV while queuing up a video clip for class (college, not elementary school or anything, okay) Obviously, I didn't give a fuck, but still.

Keep trying! MAKE ASSBUTT HAPPEN! Is it the redundancy that makes it so funny or my basic immaturity?

Seriously, guys. That is not how you spell Eros. No silent H.

Dear God yes. This is why, longtime (foolish) fan that I am, I am almost as happy when they lose at this point because fuck Jerry Jones. Blergh.

I loved Kings too. Until today, I had forgotten about it. My husband and I watched that and found it different and compelling, well-acted. I do, however, remember him saying that he thought the show was too different to last—not easy enough to categorize. Guess he was right.

1) Absolutely yes to lobster bisque and French onion.

Was Passions the one with the flashily-dressed witch that spoke to a little doll all the time? And was the doll sometimes played by a little person? It was so crazy! I loved it. That was the best/worst soap evar.