
I have not laughed this hard at a gif in, well, ever. You win this thread.

Never underestimate common hatreds as a lifelong bond. Good marriages have been built on far less. Bonus points if together you hate everything and everyone.

Synth cover of "MacArthur Park" playing in the background. *Someone left the cake out, in the rain, all the sweet green icing, flowing dooooowwwn..."

That's so interesting—my husband grew up Catholic, and he has no comprehension of Catholic guilt. He also has no shame—a really hard guy to embarrass. I was raised in a protestant church, and I am so much more susceptible to guilt and humiliation than he is. I am pretty much constantly embarrassed, first-hand,

I would like to thank everyone on this thread for the best grading procrastination topic ever. Seriously. I wish the research papers I am (not) grading right now were this interesting. xoxo (Can we hug and kiss on Deadspin?)

When I was 11, met John Travolta on the beach in Hawaii. I was vacationing with my family at a resort on Maui.

So accurate and so funny. And why my chikdren are 7 years apart. Good lord.

Thanks. She is completely fine! My million-dollar miracle baby. That is surprising to hear (in a way, then again, everything has become a "war" hasn't it?). I am in Texas, and the hospital where I gave birth was in a diverse but fairly affluent suburb.

The hospital where I had both my kids offers a nice suite with dinner like that, but you have to pay for it out of pocket, and labor and delivery take place in a standard hospital room—the suites are for nursing, recovery. My insurance would have covered the cost of the standard room only (which were still fine). I

She seems like the sort of bitter, middle-aged person (as a near-middle aged person I feel okay throwing that out there) who has found herself in a different place than she thought she would end up or, in fact deserved (in her mind) to end up. She has built a worldview around this bitterness that isolates the one

So sexy.

Excellent choice!

Thank you, Dr. Brennan!

I laughed. Until I cried.

Yes! You're next, Victoria "Blue Steel" Beckham. People and their smiley mommy-cam are coming for you.

Ha. At a local bar where I used to drink during grad school, someone had written "BEWARE THE VAGINA DENTATA" complete with clever cartoon illustration. This was my favorite stall.

Ha. I feel that if the word "wan" did not exist, we would have to coin it to describe Gwyneth. That's how she always looks to me.

I snorted at "renowned all-haver." I'd like business cards with that as my job description.