
Wait...The Daily MAIL is horrified? Hahahaha. Could not get past first sentence, so sorry.

Whenever people ask me if my husband is babysitting the kids, I politely (not really—my tone is totally bitchy, suck it) answer, "No he's parenting."

Do not ever read the comments after a Well blog post at the NYT then. I made that mistake this morning. Yeesh.

Ha. Whatthefuckery. Thank you for my new favorite noun.

Indeed *slowclap*

Too bad AMC ended today—this lady would probably make a much better soap opera writer than a teacher. Good grief that is some crazy shite.

Lesbian shitasses.

Also—unless my ideas of conception are wrong—she didn't lay down alone. Somebody else was there and 50% involved in making said fetus, right? I just never get the sense that people like her are using "you" in the plural sense when they say that.

Sunny Crossroads. This name sounds more like a young-adult novel heroine than a porn star, right?

But for the Jolie-Pitts, only one nanny will be good enough.

Attention, people raising sons! Expect your son to do household chores—do not excuse him for being male. I thank my mother in-law all the time for raising a son who looks around the house, sees shit that needs to be done, and fucking does it. Like a grown-up person. Of course we each have our strengths, likes

Thank you for posting that. I don't want to go into my experience, but it was terribly similar. The pressure was intense and the support nonexistent. It was awful.

Wow, that Stacie sounds like a real douchebag.

Personally, I prefer a little spooning after Le Forking is all over.

I'd never say anything. I always "let it go." It's kind of like getting a bunch of compliments on losing weight—it's hard not to hear "you were fat before!" Thanks for pointing out my self-esteem problem though (recovered ED—well-aware).

Yeah...don't really get the obsession with gender either way. You're right—the lottery-winning part is a healthy baby and a supportive partner. (I suppose getting parents/in-laws who didn't care about this sort of thing would be more like the Powerball lottery).

I wish I found that unbelievable. My mother in-law, who is normally quite kind, told my husband she thought his late father would be a bit disappointed about the second girl. Seriously!?

My husband is like that too. Even my (rather enlightened, female) obstetrician came in after the sonogram and said, "Well, guess you'll have to try again! Ha." Ha. No.

Indeed. You go, Bucky.

Wow. This clarifies one thing for me—the brochure for my daughter's dance studio makes a point of saying they choose age appropriate/edited music and costumes. I wondered why the director would put that out there. And I have my answer. That was very uncomfortable to watch.