
I'm with you on that. Comments about my physical appearance make me uncomfortable too. You start to feel like people think you look like a giant blimp, but just want to compensate by going on about the "glow." Just stop.

Also—if you ask "boy or girl?" Please don't treat a girl baby as some kind of misfire. Some of us think of the XX chromosome as an asset in this world—yes, that includes fathers.

Her face in that second picture is so funny! "Yep. You got me. Curling my lashes in public. What?" Her husband is cute—I don't think I knew what he looked like. They both look so normal—cute and comfy clothes, sunglasses off inside. Trying to laugh at the stupid photogs. Makes you want to invite them over for

The name "Florence Brudenell-Brice does not bring to mind a model with a boho-chic sensibility for some reason. More like a nice neighbor lady with a bun, sensible shoes, and a muffin basket.

Oh my. I do find it oddly reassuring when a thing like this completely meets (nay, exceeds!) my expectations.

What are you saying? Just because I walked into this thread like I was walking onto a yacht? So what.

That's hilarious. I'm going to use that as my new substitute word for bastard when I'm around my daughter. Farging baskarts!

I have admittedly been out of the dating game for many years, but from observing my brother and his friends, it seems to me that men care a lot more about their friends' assessments of their dates' physical attractiveness/unattractiveness. Many (of course not all) men just have this thing about being seen with a

Ask him out! How else is an old married like myself supposed to live vicariously through your dates with Rick Castle?

I always have students introduce themselves on the first day, and I mark the roll as they do so. I just introduce myself and the class, then ask them to go around the room and tell me who they are so I can check the accuracy of my roll sheet. That way, they pronounce their names first, they can tell me what they

Maybe he was just a fan of pink perfumey soap?

I know! See also Nicole Kidman.

Ha! I wasn't sure if it was El Banderas or a cheap imitation. I love it even more now.

That sound you hear is the collective explosion of the heads of the Texas Textbook Committee.


As much as I hate to agree with someone like Benji Madden, I think she'll be in Los Angeles fairly quickly. I heard on the news this morning that she already had an offer from Vivid Video to do a porn film—I imagine the "quality" of the offers will escalate from there. There will certainly be a book deal.

Me too! You wouldn't believe the number of tumbleweeds I dodged on my way to work this morning at the local saloon.

I'm sure you're right. This makes complete sense. And nothing can explain Rush Limbaugh.

The Gawker post on this tweet had pictures of donuts attached, and although I wanted to form an opinion about the tweet, all I have thought since yesterday is "Mmmmm donuts..." in a Homer Simpson voice.

In my opinion, EVERYTHING is funnier when voiced by Antonio Banderas. My husband can't stop laughing everytime the Nasonex bee advertisement comes on—because he sounds like Antonio Banderas.