
I saw it. You know I was kidding (not about bankers being criminals—that seems to be more true all the time) but about Ben Stein being right. That never happens.

True—with one caveat—it's not as if "criminal" and "wealthy banker" are mutually exclusive categories. Maybe he's accidentally right? Ha.

I am so glad to hear that someone else felt that way about the first one. My husband and I both found it unwatchable. We turned it off thirty minutes in.

Gag. I know she'll come to Dallas—she's got a huge fan base of morans down here. I still see "Sarah!" bumper stickers on quite a few cars—in fact, I saw one yesterday.

Oh, good Lord. Is this the same douche who told the concerned woman who wondered how she would pay for medical care after retirement without Medicare, "well, at some point you must ask, 'when will I start caring for myself?'" (Not verbatim, but something to that effect).

I have never, ever, heard a kind actually use words in response to that bullshit, either. I think it enrages them just as much, and rightfully so!

How is she so smooth and cellulite-free? I don't understand!

That Gaga quote annoyed me at first, but I think she is just describing a feeling a lot of people seem to have these days (and perhaps have had forever, but it feels exaggerated to me of late). I know so many people, just among my immediate friends and family, who treat their whole lives as "performance." At least

Leo solves this problem by dating women who do not eat, generally speaking.

Finalement, and tres bien fait, mes soeurs!

Indeed. Nevermind that each and every young woman in that class is sitting there, in the company of young male peers, comfortably dressed in jeans or pajama pants (rather than mandatory skirts and girdles—as was the policy at my university into the early 1970's) thanks to feminism. This point seems to sail right

From a current college freshman:

I have taught writing at the college level for about ten years, and in those ten years, I have seen a marked increase in the number of students who read and speak the word "feminist" as a pejorative. They do not want in any way to be perceived as friendly to something "feminist." Admittedly, I work at a university

BothFeet, I am so sorry for this experience. I think you've already made it through the Great Tribulation, and seem to have come out the other side of it. You must be a strong person.

Ha. Even Milton worried that he had perhaps made Satan a little too appealing.

I was thinking about that film the whole time I was reading that NYT article.

The "real Americans" are scheduled for 5 standard time, they will make any suspicious brown persons without "papers" go to the back of the line and wait until 6.

I think that should be the name of January Jones's baby. Not only does it keep the month-naming tradition going, but it sounds like the birth is going to come along with some personal-type fireworks.

Very nice. But be sure to include a chapter entitled "Exquisite Hauteur" for good measure.

mutual gagging =/= kissing, exactly.