
Of course L.A. Reid is a hardass—he'll tell them all they can be pop stars...all they have to change is everything they are.

I've posted this before on Gawker, but his father is a dermatologist here in Dallas. My parents and my grandmother all go to him. My mom and grandma call him "Dr. Handsome." Apparently he's quite the hunk (Gran is very particular). :)

A gay clothing designer? Dear lord what's next? Hairdressers? Interior designers? Isn't that kind of, to borrow from Nick Hornby, "a reckless disregard for cliche?"

So now I can have my coffee with cream, sugar, AND irony? Well that's just a delight.

Here's one part: "Eighteen years...you get nothin' for eighteen years..." Ha.

"I ain't sayin' she a golddigger..."

I saw a segment on this competition on the CBS morning show on Sunday, and the dancers say that the heels are their "tribute" or just a nod to the ladies who originated the art form. I'm still not sure how I feel about that.


Cheers! Bolli-Stoli's for everyone! Huzzah!

So when do they start charging the peanut-allergy prevention fee? The peanut-package-opening fee? The peanut-free-flight fare increases? I'm gonna say soon, very soon.

Just a theory...but hasn't she been very open about her struggle with disordered eating? I know from my own experience as a younger woman, that when you are working hard to ignore every natural bodily function and starving yourself into submission, that it is hard to suspend that mode for sex. If you have

Tell me if I'm alone in this, and maybe, as an earlier commenter pointed out, this is more about birth order than gender. But my family experience was totally the opposite—I was always expected to suck it up, quit complaining, and take care of my own shit. My little brother on the other hand? My parents, up until


This rings very true to me. I have this type of mother—a maternal narcissist. The minute I was old enough to develop a personality, she essentially lost interest. When I was an infant, she dressed me three or four times a day, like a doll. She did not allow me to choose my own clothes or fix my own hair until

They're everywhere you look.

Thank you! My second is due in November. Every pregnancy is different. Nothing to fear, as long as you try to be aware (no easy feat in a sleep-deprived, hormonal state!). Best to you too.

Indeed. It is teh crazy. However, on the (rare. ha.) bright side for those of us who suffer from depression in pre-pregnancy life, the pregnancy hormones can have a lovely, mood-balancing, seratonin-like effect. This is how it has happened for me.

My brother and his (new, as of Aug) wife received a copy of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer from a Korean steel mill rep with whom my brother does a lot of business.

That is the first time I have seen Jake Gyllenhall called "J-Gyll." Now I'm just picturing him in a flowing skirt and appliqued sweater, with perhaps some Santa Fe-style silver jewelry.