
I found this article terribly depressing—vive la beauty myth, apparently. The bottom line was that French women age "better" than American women because they starve themselves and blow a lot of money on maintenance chemicals. Um...sorry if that doesn't sound "foreign" at all. Don't we do plenty of that on this side

Two Words: Meg. Whitman.

@Interrobangin': I love that. I think it's been posted here before. "Oh, swish!"

@patelovingvegetarian: I plan to adopt that phrase at every possible opportunity from now on.

Now playing

THE CLAW!!!! It decides who will drink and who will stay sober. It is all powerful.

@LindyLou: OMG, seconded. Somehow that's less embarrassing than the euphemism.

That outfit looks like Paul Rubens disguised as Truman Capote and an airline hostess at the same time.

I thought it would say "All work and no play makes Lindsay a dull girl." Hundreds of times.

@MagicEyes: According to Total Recall, that is a horrible death—one's head exploding in the Martian atmosphere.

At what point do we get to kick Rielle Hunter out of the human race?

@KrisP:Sorry, embed fail. See below. :)

@BitingThrough: Fine. And I shall not brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack.

@BrookeD: I heard that fantasizing about Jeff Goldblum leads to divorce.

But no farting or pooping. That's only for boys.

I really like the red dress. And that suit is not tight or short enough by half to fit Nanny Fine!

So how soon can we export Billy Ray Cyrus for his punishment?

@HarrietV: Drunken bad aim? Then again, you never know what might be erotic to some people. Ha!