I feel like there needs to be a nod to Bushido Blade on the OG PlayStation.
I feel like there needs to be a nod to Bushido Blade on the OG PlayStation.
What the fuck is this fucking sentence? Jesus. “Say what you will about this guy who perpetuates ‘no girls allowed’ toxic masculinity in the alt-right redpill breeding ground and drops n-bombs with the weak-ass 90s-era ‘just singin’ along brah!’ excuse, he presses buttons good!” is a fucking idiotic take. A n-bomb is…
I like how you said “meat sports”.
As a fellow old I keep wanting to draw comparisons to traditional meat sports, and on a lot of levels it works. Team games draw an easy parallel to team sports, where players are paid by an organization to perform at a certain level. Solo hobbies feel more akin to golf, where you really have to sell yourself as a…
I am of the camp that Wu was incredibly over-exposed during Gamergate because of her willingness to give journalists access and put a convenient human face to the (99.999% true) narrative that it was all just an excuse to harass people. BUT I will say that Ethan absolutely deserves props for covering this in the way…
Hey Ethan, good on you for covering this. People may have split opinions on Wu but this and your last day-in-the-life piece were nice to see here on Kotaku.
They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.
“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.
Fed up with this shit. Enough is e(fucking)nough.
because it’s a video game website and folks really like to play fun, light hearted and well designed video games...? You know - the kind nintendo is the best at making?
The real headline should be how humble and honest the dev’s have been about accepting their bad decisions, and going back to the day one build to start over. This is unprecedented and should be encouraged in the future!
I know you need attention grabbing headlines, but the real story is the 180!
I knew it. And I should’ve understood sooner why they didn’t announce it before. They wanted to sucker us in, using our own expectations of VC against us as an invisible bullet point on the back of the box. Once they’d sold a year’s worth of consoles they felt safer in admitting they wouldn’t do it.
I know the Famicom is the system that put Nintendo on the map, but jeez, it’s always ONLY that system for their “classics” offering. How many times are they going to keep trotting out the same horse?
Right? I’ve been thanking fate for that one for a while now.
I’m glad that I got through my teenage years in a time when all the dumb teenage shit you did/said wasn’t held against you for the rest of your life.
The judge is an idiot. If there’s any game that might result in a mass shooting it’s Mario Kart. #fuckblueshells
Bernie Sanders just does not give a fuck. And I love it
something something, entitled millennials and their smartphones
Good. The SOTU is just political theatre anyway. This POTUS has done nothing to earn the respect of the citizens.