Yes! I signed in specifically to write this.
Yes! I signed in specifically to write this.
Having experienced the ebb and flow of Civ games since the first one, my initial thought is that this game could be a nightmare to debug, especially with DLC. Best of luck to all of you.
Especially when you compare it to the state of Star Wars videogames.
I have this case and it works just fine for the Switch and games. My only gripe is that the pocket is too loose to hold anything securely. Everything I hold in there tends to spill out when the case is open.
I have this case and it works just fine for the Switch and games. My only gripe is that the pocket is too loose to…
Final Fantasy Star Wars
Yeah but who wants to go to New Jersey?
My reaction to all Switch news is the same:
Yeah, I think the difference is that game releases are highly anticipated and heavily reported on, marketed, etc. A lot of other types of software the public tends to not be aware of until it’s released.
Unions tend to be helpful when abusive practices become rampant in an industry.
Never let children touch anything
If you haven’t already checked them out, I recommend John Garcia’s solo albums. It’s mostly more mellow than Kyuss, but it also includes retreads of a few Kyuss songs. It’s good stuff.
Man, the truth hurts.
Maybe because it often forces you to watch 30 second ads, which is sometimes as long as the video I want to watch.
This is not the follow-up to Broforce that I hoped for.
“Free” games that aren’t really
Yes, more coverage of Fantasy Flight games please!
Unfortunately, I don’t know, nor do I know the exact circumstances. I’ve talked to a few friends who have spoken with his family, but no one is particularly motivated to get into the gritty details :/
It was an accident. He was using a gas-powered tool while remodeling his basement.
Also, to those who are speculating: it was NOT a suicide.
I actually went to high school with this guy, and this is the first info I’ve seen aside from the news spreading via word of mouth / Facebook this weekend. I lost touch with him and didn’t know he was well-known in Destiny. He played a ton of Halo back in the day. He was genuinely one of the nicest and smartest guys I…