
Victim-blaming? Expecting the world to accommodate your choice to have a massive family AND work at your dream job smacks of entitlement.

Kind of seems like most of the stress of the LucasArts story is from choosing to work in an industry known for precarity while also having a boatload of kids.

We're all familiar with the Canadian Prime Minister.

The extra u stands for uhh-whose-idea-was-this?

Who's ready for the Vale to tear it up?!

The biggest problem with most Monopoly adaptations is how much time you spend watching animations. Seeing the pieces hop around the board is cute the first time, but incredibly boring after a few turns. Which is a shame, because I like Monopoly. Maybe I'll have to pick up the NES version.

All part of their master plan to destroy Windows as a gaming platform.

Yes! X-wing Alliance clan play really took over my life. Now please release Rebellion!

The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact I never got to see it — I never got to be blown out of my seat when the ship came over the screen. The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybody else.

I'd love to see a follow-up on how Sochi is doing these days. WILL YOU ANSWER THE CALL?

This could be a lot of things... perhaps a part of the election? Or the speech to rally the wildlings to march to Winterfell? That would explain the "whole thing" vs "one section".

They were all Cat chapters, although Martin has commented that in hindsight he should have had some Robb POVs.

On the flip side, this is the best time to pick up last-gen games you missed at dirt-cheap prices. I for one missed a whole lot of good games due to time constraints and because I'm a cheapskate. Before too long, the classics will start to get hard to find, but for now retailers are still trying to offload their

Then don't use the term 'censor', because that's not what they're doing. The developers are free to try and distribute their game by any number of other means.

Judging from other threads, you are one of those people drawing a false equivalency between censorship and a publisher choosing not to publish something. It would be great if Valve were more transparent about their actions, but it's not censorship for a publisher or distributor of any kind to decline to sell someone's

And how survivors fare in that setting! Hard to hide if you have to build fires for warmth all the time.

There is a moment in ADWD where I tossed the book in rage and despair.

I feel sorry for whoever has to develop and QA that software.

"Bug #11324: Greyish-green micropenis did not get recognized by filter."

Related question... do they sell NC-17 films at Target? I'm fairly certain they don't, at least in the US.

Recently revisited The Patriot, and I will elaborate on your comment by pointing out an awkward theme in films about that era. Slavery is acknowledged and depicted, but the protagonists are usually the 'good' slaveowners who say please and thank you.