
What this review really needs is a creepier splash image

If you have any means of obtaining Link to the Past, definitely pick up the original. It holds up very well.

I too am recovering from addiction to the bean. I could easily drink a pot alone in a workday, and I'm not alone in that. I'm assuming software developers didn't take the survey because we wanted scientists to have their moment in the sun.

Perhaps in the near future, District 9 will have a place on this list.

I'ma let you finish, but NES was the greatest launch bundle of all time.

Great choice. I was disappointed to see no BSG on this, and this is one of the best moments in the series.

You got me. I guess I just outed myself as a Picard fan.

Yeah! We come here to get a nice summary of Nintendo's bullcrap that we can read while we work. Please and thanks!

I don't know if that's the case. Most weeks go by and I don't buy anything from the 3DS VC, because ALL I WANT IS SOME SNES GAMES. Lack of titles doesn't coerce me to buy Game Boy Color ports that I don't want, it makes me go buy games on Steam instead.

Hah! So true. I just rewatched a couple seasons and I definitely did not remember him being such a loose cannon. It's a little surprising that he would be put in charge of anything, much less a strategically vital space station and warship.

The truth is out there

You say Potomac, I say Patomac

What is that image from?

Well it was OK because those dinosaurs were organic, free-range grass-fed.

Yes, I am aware of the historic basis for the pact with the devil one. I for one don't think that blaming the devil for earthquakes is the most sane thing to do.

Definitely. And I'm sure when GTA5 comes out it will really stir the pot again.

Ah yes. I think a lot of old folks, even if they don't play games, would be more reluctant to blame them for society's ills. After all, lots of them remember when comic books were the "cause" of youth violence and delinquency. And then rock music. And now my grandma's in a Pantera cover band.

This is no generation gap. It's a batshit insane radical fundamentalist vs. rational audience gap.

This may be relevant, for context and/or to make you sad that people listen to this idiot.

And don't forget the sequel: Whore of the Orient 2: Sick Men of Asia