
It's all I could think of. Seeing Michelle cry and then hearing him justify it makes me sick. I don't understand it, I never will so all I can think of is good old SLJ putting this guy down like a dog!

Question of the day: was it right for Riley Cooper get drunk and yell a racial slur at security guards?

This is a difficult situation— the team can't afford to destroy locker room chemistry, but they also need him on the field.

Seems like Cooper has really put them over a barrel.

"practice the art of masturbation"...where is Samuel L. Jackson in A Time To Kill when I need him?

Good point because I would never use any of the words that you used for ANY reason. I do love white people trying to hard to find a reason to use it, "black people say it". My question is, why is everyone so anxious to use that word? What are you so excited about? and if you question why you can't, I typically

Exactly. One implies an idiot, one implies a Klan supporter

its a cycle

I actually totally agree...

The Mass Effect series, right up till they effed up the ending. And no, I would not like to play another Mass Effect game. The story is done, let's move on. This is another reason why I'm getting really wound up with the Assassin's Creed series. I also love the Disgaea series and Deus Ex Human Revolution.

The same can be said for call of duty , i would argue more is changed in a Zelda or Mario game then in any call of duty game.

its not surprise a Console with no games. and the media stigma on top of it

but if something Pikmin prove, games will make it sell and even with this fiasco of a launch, it can get better

as Example
In Japan WiiU broke the 1M sales units last week, it took 33 Weeks, on comparison PS3 took 38 weeks on release to break

Or, you know, not have games.

That might be the funniest response possible.

Yeah that's about the reaction I would expect. ;)

Nothing on this depiction of the titular Italian Plumbers...

Looks like the Phillies have only two choices: let Young walk or Texas Ranger.

This would be the second-biggest Young-Balls transaction this year, behind only the Penn State settlement.

if anything says 'sorry, I cheated' it's a a weiner.

"This is how hot-rodding in the future will be happening,"

This begs the question: What the fuck did you think was going to happen??!

Am I the only one that paid attention in Physics class??