
Here’s the thing though, bud. YOU are a journalist, tried and true, by the definition of the word. A LOT of people in your profession are not Journalists. This guy WAS NOT a journalist, at best he was a Talking Head that got way too in to the plagiarism game. I do feel for a lot of people at IGN as I got to know a few

Philly people are great at small talk.  Subject 1:  The Iggles and how they are currently.  Subject 2: Dallas sucks and so do their fans.  Subject 3: Da Flyers.  Subject 4:  Other Sports.  Subject 5:  Current celebrity/politician is a jaggoff. 

“We’d beat the shit out of [the Eagles] cause we was rolling. If we won [versus Minnesota], I knew nobody was gonna stop us cause we came all the way back.”

Good Mei-Mei avatar. 

Same thing I was thinking.  Way to go. 

Thank you. Yachty is rich, he is successful, he CANNOT RAP.  But that’s just a Gawker blogger trying desperately to connect to the 15 year olds.  To the 15 year olds, its fine, when I was 15, I thought Ja Rule was an amazing rapper, we all make mistakes.  

First off, it was always ‘a Nintendo’ back in the day, and SNES was a ‘Super Nintendo.’  I was there, on the mean streets of the playground, when fake game news ruled all before and then during the early days of the Internet.  Some chosen few referred to it as an N.E.S. but NO FUCKING ONE referred to it as Ness. 

Yeah... If Star Ocean 3 was just ‘Galaxy Adventure RPG’ then I wouldn’t hate that twist. But as you said, it ruined the franchise. It ruined the lore, it ruined the prequels and it ruined the chance of sequels. 4 Was boring, and 5 was a mess. A fun mess, but a short, small, mess. If they do a Star Ocean 6 they need to

Bingo.  I’m not a resister or a liberal, though I did not vote for Trump.  But either you don’t have political motivations or you do, you can’t just allow it for your side and condemn it on the other.  Plenty of Conservative leaning people have been brought low for saying shitty shit online, noone should be shocked or

Sounds like Socialism/Communism!  LETS HAVE THAT HERE!!!!

Yeah, they really need to keep the CGI to the very edges and lean way into the practical effects. Plus, if there’s no reference to “I’D BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!!!!”  Count me out. 

It has one meaning, and everyone knows it. It’s a gay slur. It’s use in Video Games dates back to the bad old days when calling someone a ‘faggot’ was an edgy insult. I know, I was a teen in the 90s, and VERY REGRETTABLY, it came out of my mouth constantly back then, as it did from the majority of people in my middle

Well... maybe, maybe not.  Depends on the aliens really. We always assume that aliens will be these benevolent saviors, but if they are some hivemind racist super evolved horror, they might just see this as weakness and manufacture catastrophes such as this to distract us while they come down and steal all the Quinoa. 

As someone who works in optics, I see a LOT of potential problems here that could stop this from being field ready. First and foremost, keeping that optics clean. Our main field test system has blown out it’s feed fiber countless times because someone was careless and didn’t clean the ferrule before we turned it back

Yeah, 100% agree.  Now, I am sure that this would probably cause a little fuckery somewhere with someone faking the severity of an injury to keep a team from taking a cap hit, but... hell, if the player is getting paid, who cares?  These guys are really sacrificing their futures for this game, anything that allows

We timed it perfectly, got off the bus with 45 seconds to spare and just Superman-ed around as the rocket launched.  Ended up landing in Anarchy where a booster fell and wound up winning our game. 

And this is why I have so many useless collectables making their way towards my colon. 

I think the execution would be lauded, but come on, lets face the 50ft crustacean in the room.... Every gross 15 year old straight boy went nuts seeing that.  

I see Ken as pan, he has just always seemed down for anything. And Ryu, I’d call him a hard questioning, questioning what his sexuality is and if he even cares, he’s always seemed to have this Goku-esque thirst for power (in the same noble, not trying to conquer and rule everyone way), not being really interested in

On the subject of Goku, he’s also never kissed anyone and finds kissing gross.  I’d say that Goku is asexual, and Chi-Chi is actually problematic.  In the 80's, it was cute, in today’s landscape (today’s BETTER landscape) her pursuit of Goku was at best troubling.