
I am ready to boycott NFL. I was reaching my breaking point anyway over the misconduct off the field for the past several years. However, this Ray Rice "punishment" is the straw breaking the camel's back.

Three whole months without masturbating?!?!? Jeez, I'll be lucky if I make it through writing this com

shut the fuck up, keep black people out of your mouth, we dont live an alternative lifestyle for being black, gays do, they chose it, a person isnt a homo until they commit to that lifestyle, just having sex with the same sex doesnt automatically make u gay.

Hey! Some of us like taking a shot in the mouth! It's like a reward for a job well done.

That should be their new tagline: Old Spice: Just use it as soap, don't be a rapey douchebag

Ok, raise your hand if you are one of the apparent freaks who jump by flicking the Control Stick up.

No one wants you here, continue being poor in whatever 3rd world shithole you currently reside USA USA

That may be the nicest thing anyone on kotaku's ever said to me, thanks! :D

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.


"There hurt little girls everywhere". Whether GOT include rape or not.....Little girls are hurt everywhere. Let's just allow G.R.R. Martin's book to be depicted as he intended. After all nobody is forcing ppl to watch. #comittedafricanviewer

These trips don't always work. Manti Te'o was in shambles after a catfishing expedition last year.

With all of the actual rape that takes place in third world countries, you choose to write a massive article about fictional characters being raped in a popular TV show and how it offends you.

This is Jezebel. You aren't allowed to like someone who focuses on being physically fit and attractive.

I'm going to be blunt. If Henderson's marijuana problems are chronic, he's sowing the seeds of his own failure. But this is a joint problem for both players and owners. Management snoops around in player's private lives and uses drug testing to weed out problem players, while the players wish the media would just pipe

More like they took what Rami wanted and forced him to shove a bunch of unneeded stuff in it

Based on your commenting history, I'm taking this as the highest of honors.

Raimi has said as much (… ) Even hinting as to giving up and letting it be a bad movie just to prove his point. Now if someone buts their nose in too far on one of his movies he can just say "hey you want a spider-man 3? then back off!"