
Two obvious questions here. One why did the city council wait until MSG just finished a billion dollar renovation all via private dollars before making a big stink over wanting a new Penn Station? And two, where's the money from this coming from? Your talking about what could be the most expensive civil project in

Finally the future can begin.

Mark Sanchez, however, will continue to be the league leader in scoring after a geometry exam, before her parents get home from work.

One time when I was about 13 my mom made me go to Christmas Eve church even though I felt really sick. She thought I was lying, and I don't blame her; chances are I was. But unfortunately I wasn't. Fast forward to church, I end up having to make a mad dash down the aisle to head to the bathroom, only I don't even

The photo appears to have been taken using Instagram's Hep C filter.

EARTHBOUND. *drools*

Pffft. I've played the SNES version and an emulated version, and the latter always has some graphical and audio glitches. I want this game in it's pure, original, official form, without having to find and rig up my SNES, currently at my parents somewhere. I did bring my strategy guide with me, and it will be right


"That genie's not fitting back in that bottle."

At least you got paid pretty well. I know I would suck some shy cows for a 100 bucks

was on my phone, and was on a bus, was was was

Did you not get the sarcasm? I'm implying that kids don't think in long term in response to the OP saying that he should have just waited.

Right, because most kids think about long-term goals instead of short-term gains :P

Ahhh fuck. FINE. You got me, EA. I'm gonna get this.

Except Brawl isn't garbage for what it was designed for, fun for everyone. Sakurai stated how, while he pays attention to the 0.01% of players who play competitive, that they are not the priority. Not to mention, if they wanted the ultimate experience for Evo, they would of used Brawl minus or something.

And then Dwight was all "Ice Whobe?" and Ice was all "more like Blight Howard" and Dwight was all "more like Ice Lube" and Ice was all "wait what does that even mean?" and Dwight was all "haven't you ever used Cooling Effects™ sexual lubricant?" and Ice was all "oh I've heard of that but it's not available in my area"

You know what they say: If there's grass on the field, ignore the rubber.

Spiderman, Spiderman, breaks a limb like a spider can

Odin Lloyd. Still a legitimate NFL prospect?