
Jesus. Doesn't sound like it'll be long before he'll be granting other men their release after smacking their ass.

Bankruptcy definitely isn't on the table for Johnson, considering he's never made it to Chapter 7 in his life.

My good man, prepare for heaven. You've finally made it... assuming you don't die in a fiery car-crash on the way to the store to get it... that would be an unfortunate tragedy, especially for you.


Let me try to help you here, Plezbo, step your fat ass aside (we're buddies IRL). Plezzy, like me, never played the first 3, I made him download the demo for EO IV because that asshole got me addicted to his horrible habbit of Japanese video games. I was a douche bag acting fuck who only played Madden until he was

certain gamers also have tried like hell to bury it just because it's the wii's successor

Not sure why people are complaining about the new Smash Bros. characters. We have Mega Man, Yoga Pants, and a serial killer. This is exactly what the game needed.

Am I the only one who finds this totally fucking awesome? Because it is. Because fuck you, it is.

If by "graduated early" you meant "he dropped out of high school and went to a junior college to earn his GED (not a college degree)," then sure, you're absolutely right.

So basically you are saying that I should not do what I just did... First full marathon Sunday, sprained my ankle after landing my foot in a pothole at mile 11 and doing a swandive down the course, got bandaged up at mile 12.5, then finished the race, 1.75 hours behind my projected finish time.