
“Our vast library of QTE infused movies with no real gaming depth because our fanbase are sophomoric simpletons”

My thing is, how big is the game? Is it multiple planets or zones or is it just like one Destiny Patrol area? And are there Raid level activities? Because it honestly doesn’t seem like it’s going to have a Mass Effect scope story, so it will need a lot of content to stay relevant. And Destiny, while it had great

Sigh, these are the episodes I’ll miss the most, where shit went sideways and he just soldiered on anyway. RIP Anthony.

As a long time SE PA resident, Delaware is the place to go for your higher priced shopping, no sales tax for the win.

This reminds me of when my local Smash Bros 64 scene discovered the true power of Jigglypuff. She was always seen as the shit character when the game came out because none of us understood the real power of Rest until months into the game’s lifespan. Then it got unleashed and the race to become the Jigglymaster began.

Yeah, lets incite violence against people with different political opinions than us! You’re pathetic.

Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.

More over, we aren’t used to fighting large cats. Our distant ancestors did, and were quite capable, but we don’t carry spears and hunting knives and practical experience. At best we follow the advice we are given and hopefully emerge alive.

Now playing

Ahem... Just gonna leave this here, the BEST usage of Japanese Maid outfits today, Band-Maid.

Matching opinion to Dennis, The Good Place isn’t funny. RIP BK99, you will be missed. Especially you Raymond Holt, God Bless.

Yeah, this. Destiny 2's dialogue reads like 8th Grade Edgelord me wrote it. And by that, I mean it is cringey beyond repair. God I miss Dinklebot.... His “So bad its good” delivery brought character to the game, Nolan North’s interpretation is a disaster.

How could you pass over, “Richard, when you’re trying to work the corner, you can’t fall in love with the tricks, that’s what the Oxy is for.”

Isn’t TSMC using E-Beam to achieve 7nm? That can’t be cheap... we avoid it for all but our most critical features (we do custom ICs and other devices) because the time on the machine is so expensive.

It’s funny, when President Obama got us involved in Libya and Syria, I don’t remember you spewing this sort of violent rhetoric against the office of the President. Is this just because you forgot or because you are a talentless, braindead, Socialist shill? My money is on the latter.

You can’t double pump anymore though, there is a mandatory reload when you switch to your second pump. You can go Pump-Tac or Pump-Heavy, but you can no longer efficiently double pump, you are just wasting inventory space. Also, as far as “no other close range option” the Purple Tac SMG (The Purple People Eater) would

As a white guy, I always just put “Playa” in its place. Sure, it kind of ruins the rhyme scheme most of the time, but A)I’m not being racist (hopefully, I’m a dumb white guy so its still possible) and B)it adds to my image as a corny white guy to not be rhyming. YG introducing “hitta” certainly gives another option.

I prefer Fortnite, but its best that the two games have different styles. If you like run and gun, get Forty, if you prefer to slow it down, get PUBG.

Like most white democrats.

My take on this is he stepped on the scale before a game in his underwear, over hydrated during the game and stepped back on afterwards in sweaty clothes and his shoes. Having Wrestled for a long ass time, I can attest that people always fail to realize how much their clothes and shoes weigh, especially if they are

But he’s right. LeBron isn’t a Sociopath/Psychopath, and that’s why he would always be outfoxed by MJ. Jordan made it a condition of playing on the Olympic Team that Isiah Thomas not play, all to get back at him for the way the Pistons played Jordan earlier in his career. He then used those Olympics to learn all of