
I knew it, I fucking knew it. I watched that season and they were eye fucking the shit out of each other. Donnie J because Aubrey hadn’t completely butchered herself yet, and Aubrey because of that money. I fucking knew it.

Well, Luigi definitely has the bigger penis. From that 80's comic, its pretty apparent that Mario’s rocking the microdonger. No wonder Peach always gets, “Kidnapped.” More like, “Listen, Bowser, you magical big-dicked lizard you, I love my man and all, but he can’t satisfy me, so if you could “KidNap” me from time to

Kind of hard to take the argument of a non-Japanese person who gives herself a non-sense Japanese name and then goes on whining about cultural appropriation seriously. The substance of what she is saying isn’t wrong, its just that she needs to look at the woman in the mirror.

Yeah, I play on Xbox, and I would NEVER choose to play against PC people. The method of building for Xbox is just so terrible compared to PC.

I get Prednisone every time I have a bad asthma episode. It allows me to function while making me feel like I’m not dying. Yes, it would be unfair for a healthy person to take it before a Tennis Match. If you go back and rewatch that match, it is GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that Serena was not healthy. The Prednisone was the

WHAT THE FUCK was going on with those shifty black bars in the video??

Remember that Crash Commercial with him outside of Nintendo headquarters with a Megaphone? Seemed like Crash and Sony were on the verge of defeating Ninty once and for all. 20 years later, Crash is no longer exclusive so might as well join em

This is exactly what I was thinking.

I use building as a way to win fights. Someone Starts shooting, build, hit them, when they fall back, rush and fuck them. IF you are going to attack, build as you rush to gain the high ground. Build when you rez teammates to stave off a 200 m snipe.

They both Rip off TF2 so I don’t know what either one of them is complaining about.

The idea of kissing my father one the lips is grotesque. And I’m not saying that as some trying-to-be-macho straight guy. Because I’m straight but I’d probably make out with Adam Ripppon. I mean... what?

Now playing

Just start bringing back Rock Music like Band-Maid. Pop is probably going to be on the way out soon anyway, it always ebbs and flows. Rock in America is pretty dead, but a string of Japanese bands are keeping it alive, pivot, shred, and take over the world, like Band-Maid.

I mean, the Bulls built a team in Jordan’s second go-round SPECIFICALLY to do this to Shaq. This is a tried and true strategy.

Awful, thank Pastafarius that we don’t live in a shithole country like France. I mean, our country is a shithole, but at least we have better freedom of speech laws than this bullshit.

“even if it’s grimy how the Steelers used his public appearances to squeeze goodwill out of his existence while they kept everyone in the dark about the specifics of his injury.”

Yeah dude, great hot take. Because the US is TOTALLY worse than Russia and Qatar and Morocco. Good fucking take you smart fucking guy.

Good, fuck FIFA and fuck the World Cup. Put it in Morrocco, a country WOEFULLY incapable of throwing an event of that size, and see the disaster that becomes. Plus, tbh, fuck men’s Soccer anyway, I just want us to host another Women’s World Cup since the Women’s game is the better version anyway. Less diving, less

Wait, wait, wait. You televise ALL the CURLING in Canada?!?!?! OK, OK, OK, please, please, I need to find a stream of this.

My heart absolutely broke watching the usually stoic Kim Eun-Jung break down emotionally after South Korea lost. I don’t speak Korean, but I could tell that she took all the blame by her absolutely devastated body language. I hope Team Kim comes back next games, but I know they face a lot of hardships just trying to

Fuck, Just throw together the Trilogy for me and I’ll be signed sealed and delivered. Barring that just give me THPS 2. God those first 3 were so good.