
And this is why you refute propositions by going ahead and investigating them with laboratory experiments. As NASA did. And it confirmed his proposition, to the bewilderment of Physicists everywhere. I don't see how you think I'm wrong with my mantra of "Be skeptical but do the experiments."

No, no, I'm not saying ditch the establishment. I'm saying, as Scientists, doubt, don't disbelieve. Belief/Disbelief is something best left for religious dogma. Science revolves around skepticism, when someone comes along with a paradigm shifting idea that goes against all established theory/laws, Scientists should

I liked some of the Mass Effect 2 changes, and really appreciated the much better AI, but the planet scanning ruined that game for me. It was a chore to finish it for me. Infact, at the time, I was being drug tested regularly for work, and couldn't handle planet scanning while not high, so I ended up taking like a 9

I mean that is supposed to be the point of Science, you are constantly asking questions, constantly building best-fit models, and constantly checking, checking, checking and changing as more information becomes available. People who treat Science as a fixed entity don't get Science.

Pop Quiz Hot Shots, how do you go from the best franchise in baseball to the worst franchise in baseball in just 3 years?

This is why Soccer will never be huge in America. You don't answer a dick grab with a fall, you answer it with right cross to the jaw. Silly Soccer.

Speaking as a Research Engineer/Scientist, a lot of the problem stems from the fact that most of us are Atheists who have replaced Religion with Science. The problem there is that a lot of us treat Science like Religion, which no one should. Science is basically best guess, and it should always be treated as a

Honestly, I would take a "Mass Effect One-2" any day. Not even a story continuation, just gameplay much more similar to the first game in the series without the bad team AI and glitching. The planet exploration was one of my favorite parts and made me feel like it was a true open Galaxy game.

Yeah, we had the upper hand for a few years, but now you guys get to sit back and laugh at the absolute backwoods abortion that we have become.

Well, you have to qualify this, because if it's a drug charge or something, you fully throw the book at them. But, if it's something minor, like violence against, or rape of a woman, that's like a $200 fine max, because, let's face it, she should have done more not to provoke that attack.

Amazing trade for Boston though. Get one of the best young sluggers in Baseball, and, to boot, Jon Lester has gone on record saying he would be fine with being traded now, and then coming back and re-signing with the Saaaaaaawx next year. Yankees fans are gonna be pissed.

The game to me seems like video game Legos. And that horrifies me because I would be the guy on the news found dead after 134 straight hours of Minecrafting.

Well, while it is an absolute tragedy that they didn't have a Major Dillon, at least one of them didn't blackface it.

Stop stop stop!!!! Every time I quit they PULL ME BACK IN!!!

This is why I haven't gotten into the game yet. I'm afraid that it will suck away every last minute of my time, and, that even after all of the time spent, it won't compare at all to some of these masterpieces.

This gives me a great Idea. I want to hire 3 women to run my Fantasy Draft. They need to be dressed in Business Formal Attire, and have some knowledge of the NFL. will require them to scoff, bemoan, and insult every draft pick made by anyone in the league that is not me and somehow connect these draft picks to the

Yeah, and not to mention that they have over $10 Billion in cash reserves sitting in accounts, they'll be fine.

We're done here as you can't even admit that Palestine is in the wrong for bombing Israeli citizens. This isn't a video game or movie, we aren't keeping score, this is two countries committing attrocities against each other, and if you think that Palestine is justified in it's bombing of civilians because of an

I was digging this list, but the fact that you left off Pastor unforgivable.

No shame on her for banging that guy, but this is the shit you get when you bang someone who has crazy feelings for you, a stalker. Is she a bad person? Nope, but if she knew he was that infatuated she should know what comes with that, stalking. So basically, it's her fault for not having a gun to ward him off.