
$25,000 a month for spousal support? Fuck these laws and fuck marriage in general.

No one is more reasonable, they are both acting poorly, that is my thesis. Yours seems to be that Gaza can do whatever they want to Israeli citizens because Israel controls the borders and air space, pursuant to the Oslo Accord signings of 1993.

It is not legal to fire rockets at civilians, this is what you are missing, which makes this bad vs. bad. Under NONE of the UN Articles of War is it admissible to answer the incursion of one country onto the sovereign land of another with attacks on said country's civilians. You are so wrapped up in your

I mean, it sounds a lot like the arguments made by the South for the Civil War. Sure, Gaza deserves Sovereignty, and after the end of these hostilities, this needs to be the goal, the securing of Gaza's Sovereignty. But when you pull the Tiger's Tail, you better get ready for the teeth. And regardless of Israel's

I'll accept your eHug and eIce Cream, it helps with the tears.

I think the problem with Yeungling and Rolling Rock is that a lot of stupid Penn Staters have never had anything better than either beer. Realize, PA being the Keystone State, Keystone Light is crazy popular among underaged drinkers. Right there with PBR. PBR, Keystone, and Beast are all wretched, so the fact that

If done correctly, with proper form and manageable weight, CrossFit SHOULD show great benefits for it's adherents. However, the nature of the exercises, and really any Power Lifts in general, can lead to serious injury if improper form or incorrect weight is used. This is why I don't like the "CrossFit Movement"

I'm too addicted to football, but I commend your dedication.

By actively funding terrorists, and lobbing explosive shells into Israel, they are trying. Your argument seems to be, "Hamas can't actually destroy Israel, so Israel should just take the bloody nose and let it be." Fuck that, someone attacks your country, you have every right to defend yourself. I wish zero

Yes, this is the key issue for me. Monsanto and the like confiscating farm land because seeds from their GMOs blew from one farm to an independent farmer's land. Stuff like that, just back door legal bullshit. I'm not really concerned that Genetically Modified Corn is going to turn me into a zombie.

Hahaha, keep telling yourself that enough, hopefully you will believe it. For me it is scorched into my memory forever as the worst birthday party ever. TMNT III came out more than six months before my birthday, but seeing as TMNT was my faves back then, my parents consented to let me have my birthday party on my

The Donnas! Oh god this makes me think of 'You Drive Me Crazy'!

I mean, it's to be expected with the level of spousal abuse that goes on among the 'good ole boys' at ESPN. Still pathetic, and I still feel dirty inside for not being able to boycott football at all, but football!

I don't know, I like all music but country, I just find it grating. Because I'm white I don't get called racist for those beliefs. My mom dislikes almost all rap because she doesn't like to hear mysogeny or cursing in music. Of course Will Smith is a musical hero of hers. I wouldn't say that someone who likes

Honestly, it's a little bit of solidarity for the men who are about to be sent into harms way. Is it crass? Yeah, sure. But you know what? War is always horrible, showing some boobs to some soldiers who might be drawing their last breath soon, not as much.

Defending your homeland from a Terrorist Organization whose charter has in it bringing the destruction of your country is horrific? God you uninformed idiots and the internet.

That's fine, but as a white guy, I am still going to refer to the rest of my pasty people as, 'the whites' because its just damned funny.

Trying to make a better world? Sure, but in realistic terms, I'm not some pie in the sky Obama voter who thinks you can scream change from the top of a mountain, give everyone a hug and Utopia will break out. Your assertation is stupid, we can't 'make' teens respect each other. Only they can do that. And turning

I'll agree that some of these lines and scenes are juvenile and stupid, but lets face it, it's Ninja Freaking Turtles Directed by Michael Bay. Want to see TMNT done with more class? Watch the excellent rendition currently airing on Nickelodeon.

"We need to focus on making teens respect each other"