
That's up to your own individual morality. What I am trying to say is get the fuck over this whole "I'm desperately in love with someone who is bad for me." People are stupid.

People, love is a chemical reaction in your brain, it isn't some fairy force from the gods of old earth. Get the fuck over yourselves.

Yeah, I just recently popped in Mario 3D World to start moving through the backlog. Now I have less than a month to play that, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, and several others before Mario Kart 8 takes over my summer.

It's stupid shit like this that is making me wait until there is a price drop to buy one of these systems. Also, liberal application of Duct Tape will fix this problem for me.

+1, Oh you...

I mean, this is great and all, but HOW did they miss making Ariel Swim Team Captain???? That seems like a no-brainer.

Yeah, sometimes I start to think what an awful world the characters of this series live in, then I realize that I am insulated from the real world due to living in the US. Boko Haram has really driven this point home recently. These poor girls who risked their lives to get an education are being punished for simply

Yeah, this was an awesome re-intro of Jack Bauer. I totally missed the press release that Catelyn Stark was in this, so that was an awesome reveal as well. So fucking winning.

That was really well done.

Sounds right. +1 Million for the Tesla personality and avatar.

The new CGI series has a really good take on the turtles. Cartoony, funny, with a perfect balance of old and new to keep new kids into it while throwing a bone to parents who watch it with them or just guys in their late 20s who like getting high on Sunday mornings and watching cartoons.

This is so depressing. The first two games were out of this world. I loved the third as well but it was missing something that I could never put my finger on. The fourth was the last one that I enjoyed. What a mess this franchise has become.

Yeah I feel like that is the highest complement that you can get from him.

Yeah, yeah, yeah sure, whatever fucker, go to a Dodgers game with San Fran gear on and see what happens. We don't brutally stomp opposing fans heads in or stab people. This was some asshole Rangers fan starting a fight, getting his friends pulled into it, and escaping. He got what he deserved.

Visiting fans who spend the game spouting vulgarities and trying to instigate fights should have to leave the game for their own safety. This wasn't 3 well behaved gentlemen getting jumped for wearing opposing sweaters, this was drunken assholes igniting a fire, not leaving when they were given the "get out of fight

You can generally wear the opposing team's gear here in Philly, just don't go being a drunken asshole or you will get beat up. But it's not nearly as bad as LA/San Fran, we don't stomp people's heads in.

Kanye would totally Kefka everything up, having him as a good guy makes no sense. But honestly, just for the chance to see Kendrick Lamar hit his final Limit Break and Summon Tupac, yeah, I would pay money for this game.

Its just hitting upon the nostalgia of us getting-old-guys. These graphics are almost exactly Final Fantasy 3 (VI for the purists), and for a lot of us, that game is one of the pinacles of JRPG-ness. And honestly, if you are going to make a low budget game, better to look like an SNES title than a PSX game.

Especially in this case, the one asshole in the beginning brought it on his friends. You don't go to an away game, wearing an away jersey, and spend the whole game taunting the home fans then get violent and think that you aren't going to get your ass handed to you. This cretin is the worst kind because he started

Ser Pounce, Lord of House Whiskers, Protector of the Litter Box, Ratsbane WILL return as he is the most important character in the entire series.