
No he isn't because I don't think he deserved to be punished at all. I am just saying that its a dumb rule but Pineda shouldn't have been so stupid. He's making fun of people who think that the rule should stay in place but should only be enforced to blatant offenders. I think the rule should be thrown out, I just

I was confused as to how he could be dumb enough to be so overt about it after it was the main talking point of ESPN for like a week and a half. But it is definitely a stupid rule.

Totally agree that it should be legal. In the mean time, Pineda really just needs to get better at this. I mean, he should realize that he is being watched after the last incident, there has to be a better place to put pine tar than on your neck. Just learn to cheat better.

The shitty thing seems to be that due to them not being an official Fraternity, AU can't really do much more to them other than to suspend or expel individual members for individual incidents.

You know what, good for her. Us men get to act like this and no one does more than snicker and shake their head. This girl loves her some dick, and she makes sure to point out to wrap it up first. She loses points for telling her sorority sisters to be rapebait (the whole blackout thing), like a lot of points for

As a Flyers fan, I feel like Dave Chappelle during his OJ Simpson skit, my Flyers-ness will not allow me to feel anything but hatred for the Penguins. This was such a sweet, sweet loss to watch.

Haha, I know right? I actually learned something from all of this, apparently there are a lot of Deadspin readers ready to defend Pro Wrestling to the death. Maybe that's why there are so many Wrestling references, there are some hardcore fans here.

Haha, hey, as stated previously, I will defend your right to hate Pro Wrestling and Deadspin's fixation on it to the bitter end. But consider this, Deadspin covers Boxing and UFC, two 'sports' that are virtually as fixed (except for MAJOR title bouts) as Pro Wrestling, just in a MUCH less honest way than the WWEs of

Deadspin does definitely love them some Pro Wrestling, that is certainly true. And back when I hated Pro Wrestling, I felt exactly as you do. That's cool though man, this is America, and you should be free to hate Deadspin's fixation on Pro Wrestling with a burning hate fire that could scorch a 1000 baby seals.

I used to be exactly where you are right now. I wrestled in my youth, and found Pro Wrestling to be the dumbest thing on the planet. But when you realize that it's just a more honest fix than boxing or UFC, and that it's basically just a Live Action TV Show, it's just fantastic. It's basically very manly

Ugh, what a terrible human being. With my luck the Phillies will trade for him next week and I will be forced to sit through Philly Talk Radio Debate how this wasn't "Legitimate Rape" because he is famous and, "Come on, you know she totes wanted the D."


First Fatal Frame, good, very good. Next, you know you want to do it Nintendo, don't be shy, POKEMON SNAP U. Please Ninty, don't let me down.

Hmm... Do you live in the South? Because up here, in the North East, I have never been to an IHOP that serves grits. Even the one in Blacksburg, VA didn't have grits in 03-04 when I was at VT.

Grow the fuck up yourself you miserable child. You are tying to gloss over what an enormous piece of shit Braun is and when I point out the facts, you get all vitriolic and call me names, congratulations, your team supports the second worse person in baseball and everyone on Gawker knows you're a piece of shit as

Ryan Braun is an unredeamable piece of shit, the proof is that Brewers fans are all over the internet pointing fingers at everyone else's cheaters as if that will somehow erase the stain of being a tactless shit face.

And point out facts you did, but while those players cheated, Braun went WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY past just cheating. He cheated, got caught, got off on a technicality, cheated again, got caught again, and suddenly was SORRY for it. Bullshit, the guy is a piece of shit, and absolute scumbag piece of shit.

'The Whole League was on Steroids or Amphetamines'

Not the same, all of them took their punishments and served their time. None of them went around for a year throwing an innocent tester under the bus. The cheating is one thing, everyone did it for like 30 years, the character defamation is the killer. Braun is the second biggest piece of shit in baseball (A Rod,

Again, its the audacity of Braun to cheat and then not just deny, but straight up Lance Armstrong his way about blaming the tester for his dirty piss.