
Romero is a piece of shit that no one in Philly supported when he was found out. But he wasn't a shitty enough person to claim that his tester was tainting his sample. Braun is the worst, cheating is one thing, lets face it, everyone did that in the 80s, 90s, and early 00's, but he straight up bitched, moaned,

And you are the type of person who bought Deadspin's "stop calling us out for clickbait ITS ALL THAT ANYONE BUT DREW KNOWS HOW TO DO ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!" article, nice...

Damn you California!!!! I live in Philly, some of the city council have tried to woo Huy Fung here to help fix the miserable job situation, but I think it fizzled due to what Albert said in the comments, not close enough to the source of chilis. This sucks, because if you've ever been to Philly, you know that the

I think the real answer here is that the Golden Age started in the SNES days and carried through to the Playstation era. That span of 6 or 7 years, say 93-2000, was so full of amazing JRPG experiences that it is staggering to think of now.

I imagine it feels the same way to be constantly talked about as though you are only part of a monolithic culture and anything you do, think, or feel is only because of the color of your skin. Which is funny because this is how Jezebel and Gawker whites generally speak about African Americans while they throw the

Ghetto took off a decade ago? Where the fuck have you been? You do realize that ALL white people in music have been co-opting African American styles, trends, and dress since the dawn of America, right? This isn't some new phenomenon. Ragtime, Jazz, Bluegrass, Rock, Rhythm and Blues, Rap and Pop Music the entire

Any idea why this guy is waiting until now to file the lawsuit? My guess is that he is reaching the end of one of the Statute of Limitations, which are as follows:

Try to get some help for all of that hate, I would like to think that you have more to contribute to society than just hate and malice.

I am an atheist. This is the second time I am saying this.

Knowing Griffin, this is exactly the braindead, knee jerk response he was looking for from the sports-blog-media. God (whom I don't believe in) this site has dropped in quality in the last year or two. Needs more Drew.

Sigh... it's sad that you are such a hateful, ignorant person. Sure, there are many religious people who are hateful bigots, just as you are, but many others just believe in a God and want to spread love. What I am saying is that there is no reason to ridicule someone for their beliefs if they arent spewing hate

I don't know, honestly, I could just be a brain in a jar in some warehouse in the neighborhood of Alpha Centauri and then who the fuck knows. I think the point is, even if someone has a 'ridiculous' opinion, as long as they aren't out blasting it all over the place, let them be and focus on yourself, there is no

I am going to go out on a limb and speculate what happened here based on two things, the young woman's testimony, and my experience with alcohol and weed. She partied with the three guys, they drank and took some bong hits. She hit the bong a little hard, and while she and Colin were in the midst of starting to get

Nah, see, this is just a way to level the playing field. Samus is just too much of a badass, put her in heels and it slows her down just a tidbit, enough to make it almost fair.

Clay Bucholz actually made the most sense, do you want a situation where a guy who hits 95 mph has no control over the ball because it's cold? Yeah, sounds terrible. If the antidote is a little pine tar to make sure you aren't beaning guys in the head, so be it. Maybe just try to be more discreet.

I am not going to be popularly supported in this opinion, but I think that all of these people who "Final Destination, no items, Fox" aren't good at Smash Bros. at all. Sure, they are fantastic at a SPECIFIC loadout, but the game is about wild stages, items, skill, guile, and luck. If you can't handle all of the

Honestly I just wanted to say "Britishy British Place name that has ever Britishly Britished." I saw that you covered yourself, but that phrase popped into my head and needed to hit the internetz.

Umm... Charlie Hunnam is British, guy. For godsake he's from Newcastle upon Tyne, that's the most Britishy British place name that has ever Britishly Britished.

I had "this guy" as a floor RA freshmen year of college '03-'04 at Virginia Tech, first floor of Pritchard (any other Pritchard Maniacs here?) He wasn't my main RA, but he was an RA on the floor (it has since been de-genderfied, but at that point, Pritchard was the largest all male dorm on the East Coast, hence many

Come on fellow book readers, no spoilers.