
Yeah, Henrik is a beast, good luck against him. As for us, we were horrible. You guys outplayed us to what should have been 4 or 5-0 if not for Jonny "Alien" Quick.

Well, yes.. but there are a few further stipulations, its an "I Quit" match, and there are chairs inside the Cell.

No, the US won them, but it was a joke because we lost our own Olympics as well. As far as these Olympics go, we'll be lucky to come in 5th place, we are awful. You should overtake Norway solely because outside of skiing they don't have any athletes and you do. Good luck beating Russia.

HA! Canada, you couldn't even win your own Olympics! What a fail!

I was wandering where you were going with that, good job.

So you have decided to skip over basically all of the highest rated games on the system?

"I want sex and can- OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL!!!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa guy! Don't get that far ahead of yourself. They'll still be executed, Putin will just make sure its a quick double tap to the back of the head instead of torture and the Gulags.

I just assume that it's another .gif situation where there are two accepted and popular pronunciations.

Russia, seriously? How are you going to punish gay people when you are actively promoting straight men to turn gay. Everyone knows that they put dividers in Mens' Rooms to stop all the bros from jacking each other off.

Hey Mr. Snarky, I dare you to walk outside on a day when the temperature is above 92 degrees, drink some cold Orange Gatorade, and not love it. It is a scientifically proven fact that dates back to Ancient Egypt, if the temperature is above 92 degrees F, Orange Gatorade is the best flavor.

To be fair, I am in the North East, where Grits are not common.

Good Guy Nintendo: Their biggest badass has always been a woman, who, until given over to another company, never played into the popular trappings of usual female protagonists ("OH NOES IM TOO SCAREDS TO FIGHT WHERES A BIG STRONG MAN!!!??").

REBOOT!!! God and I thought I was the only one that ever watched that.

The most offensive thing is all of the Nirvana, terrible, just terrible.

You should know that he is REALLY good at sucking dicks behind the 7-11 though, like, Karrine Stefens good.

As a straight man, I don't enjoy men naked. Infact, that would make me not straight. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just saying, you didn't get blown by straight dudes bro.

Chris, honestly, wonderful timing. You did your friends a great service by waiting, and you also helped the cause. Had you dropped this over the summer, or during the season, it would have come off as a bitter ex-punter angry at the world and latching his failure onto a cause to try and bring down his coaches.

OH NO!!! YOU INSULTED PATERNO!!! Shit, better hope that the 3/4's of Pennsylvania who still have their heads in the sand didn't hear you there bro, because them's fightin words!

His name is actually fairly hard to pronounce if you have no experience with French. The first part is easy, instead of "rich" its "reeesh" but that "ard" part is difficult without some French knowledge or general Linguistics training as the vowel sound is not one that is common in English, its something like the