
Wait.... what? How was anyone ever anywhere not certain that Brian Boitano was gay?

My problem with the list of "Sony games" that guy provided is that only Knack and Puppeteer are actually made by Sony. Last of Us is Sony published but ND made, so call it a Second Party game. The rest are all 3rd party games, so, kind of hard to give credit to Sony for those games.

Puppeteer is a Sony Game

I love these Romo Defense articles, as an Eagles fan, please keep writing them. Infact, let me just say that Tony Romo is the essence of a Greek God, his passing is perfect, and he is Dallas's best chance at a Super Bowl for at least the next 10 years. Keep starting him, especially in December, and never give up,

A Child in San Fransisco named Rain... god the big one needs to hit and just separate that whole coast, minus San Diego, from the main land.

God I hate Mike Mayock, he has the dumbest asides in sports. On the other side of the coin, Chris Colinsworth has the absolute best game vision that I have ever seen. He is able to instantly dissect a play and explain why it worked or why it failed down to the individual moves of every player involved right after

My neighbor was paralyzed in a bad car accident and my parents were involved in his charity, we did something much like this. There was a $100,000 prize available to anyone who could sink a hole in one. It was the talk of the town in the week leading up to it because, one, most people badly understand these things

As an Eagle's fan, I hope that the media rushes to Romo's side again and again, year after year, so that he stays the Cowboys' QB for as long as possible.

Releasing confindential information is a crime. That is a fact, might want to check your dictionary to look up that word, F-A-C-T. Also, read the law, then you won't come off as such an ill informed loose shit.

Jesus, what's next, Apple buys Northropp-Grummann. This shit just got cray.

You aren't wrong or lazy, but the analog of what these YouTubers are doing now is say if you just wrote about phones and video games on the internet all day back in '95. YouTube is a young platform for monetized channels. Relying on it as a sole source of income is a bit foolish as it is a free service. If these

I mean, I am just going to say, go get a real job.

I don't think that has anything to do with the believability of his age. He went to middle school in the Newark Public School System. He would have gone to middle school in the mid-90s, not a time for a ton of scrutiny. His parents would have enrolled him, they would have produced any form of identification and he

I read this and was like, "eh, she's cute, hope it works out." Then I watched that trailer. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I am signing up for Tae Kwon Do class now, am brushing up on my nunchku skills, (took lessons for 3 years as a child to be Michaelangelo), and basically just HOLY CRAP PLEASE MARRY ME!!!

How about you play the position correctly and don't block the plate with your body? If they are going to make hitting the catcher illegal, than they need to make blocking the plate illegal as well. And knocking the ball out of a player's glove at any other base IS legal, as long as it's not a force out. There

I am 10000000000% on your side. Another point to add is that even if the politicians who claim not to be trying to take away our guns are telling the truth, it is no promise that future pols will uphold those same promises. I like things the way that they are in Pennsylvania, firearms are not the problem, a broken

Yeah, you are using the correct term. And yes, if we are going to have to concede something, let it be to register all of our firearms, hell, I'll register my magazines as long as I can have them. Firing a semi-auto rifle with a stock 5 or 10 round mag is just an absolute hassle.

Well that is clearly not glass, more likely some sort of Polycarbonate panel. And that paper-ish covering is the 'scratch cover' that you are supposed to peal off, I guess that they majorly screwed the pooch on that one.

'Both Current Gen Systems' excuse me, but there are three current gen systems, the third just isn't half trying to push last year's PC graphics onto consumers TVs. And unfortunately, it is not selling well. Time for a Wii U rally Nintendo, don't let me down.