
I think the real problem is, how do you define an assault rifle? For example, in PA, by legal definitions, there isn't any such thing as an assault rifle. Are we including all modern semiautomatic rifles? Just automatic rifles (the origin of the term)? Do you judge them by the ammunition capacity? I don't like

OK, depending on your definition of an assault rifle, we are both right. You are using the proper definition, IE, an automatic rifle. I am using the liberal dipshit definition in which modern semiautomatic rifle = assault rifle. In Pennsylvania, you can legally transfer a semiautomatic rifle hand to hand without

Don't worry people, Ariana Grande is slowly but surely climbing the Pop ladder, and she, unlike most of her peers, has the voice to stay relevant after the Molly wears off.

All blanket statements EXCEPT for, "All blanket statements are stupid" are stupid.

Yeah, unfortunately you are dealing with the minority of pot smokers. It also seems like you are in high school because of your experiences with this sort of smoker. I smoke, but I don't go waving the green flag all over the place because job and because consequences and because supposedly being an adult.

Smoking pot and playing Mario Party is fantastic as well. But Smoking Pot while playing Mario Party, and having the loser of each minigame have to drink, well... That is probably the most fun of all American activities.

There is a sensible argument for reasonable gun control laws. For example, background checks and the need to register any sort of assault rifle. Banning guns out right will never work because we have this HUGE, basically unregulated border to the south and the cartels will just start gun-running.

Leave this country please, just go, we don't need you. Your equating all gun owners to psychopaths is just as stupid as any other blanket statement.

So Josh McCown turns into Mr. Hyde upon visiting porn sites. He probably "comes to" with his dick in his hand and a fresh load all over his stomache all like, "NO! Not again! Why Why WHY!!!??"

Yeah, people still think I work out all of the time because I have natural wrestling body shape, but I'm out of shape as fuck. The balance thing is great, because yep, blind folded balance tests were a regular occurance back then.

Hitting low doesn't mean putting your helmet through someone's knee. Watch the play, watch it again, watch it 40 more times as I have from all of the angles that you can find it. That was a dirty hit. He dropped his head, and launched at Gronk's knee. Watch the actual play, don't just comment having only seen it

That tackle was dirty, I have watched it 30 or 40 times, he drops his head (A HUGE NO NO) aims his head DIRECTLY into the path of Gronks knee and makes direct helmet to knee contact. That hit ends in a knee injury 100 out of 100 times. It is a dirty hit, a horrible play, and Ward should be suspended for it, end of

No way I could tackle Brandon Weeden, I am out of shape as fuck. That is why I included the "If I was still in shape", though I should have said "if I was still in wrestling shape." Because in Wrestling shape I was running a 4.8 40, carrying 5% body fat, and generally ruining people's shit.

We were taught form tackling by having the 8th graders run straight through us. We had to do this because we were the "Lightweight" team and our tackle sled was broken and there was no budget for a new one. You learn quick when you get obliterated so much in your first week of practice.

So there is this video of two guys sneaking into the Super Bowl, and it shows that a good amount of the parking lot is used as either a security funnel, or for the other side-attractions to the Super Bowl. I would say those two things are eating into the parking spots this year as well.

Let's be honest here, you are trying to joke, but most people who follow football know more about properly playing the game of football than most football players, they just aren't athletic freaks. I am 5'8" and the coach wouldn't let me play wide receiver because "white people don't play wide receiver" so I quit

Tall people who run straight up (Gronkowski) are a lot easier to tackle than short people (MJD). The problem is that modern football players dont like tackling, because it hurts and it isn't exciting. They want to make a big hit and knock the ball or the receiver out of the game.

Not by diving head first into his knee, that is for sure. And someone like Gronk would be easier to tackle than say a Marshawn Lynch because Gronk has bad body position, he typically runs straight up, giving him a high center of gravity. Most football players however, are actually shit tacklers, which is why you

Hmm, I take some issue with the above guide's classification of what a montage is, by my count, Rocky 4 has some 9 different songs acting as montage pieces. Though one single montage does encompass 3 songs.

In Middle School and High School, we were taught to tackle the hips. Put your shoulder right into his abdomen, scoop the knee and drive to the ground. This was a dirty hit, through and through. No excuse for diving at someone's knee with your helmet.