
Yeah, living right across the border from Elkton, MD, I can verify that Ravens fans are at least the most annoying in the NFL.

I just don't think that a 10 year contract to anyone over 25 is a sane idea. But, honestly, they have a new TV contract coming up and this will put butts in seats, so it probably makes sense business wise, just not baseball wise. Alex Rodriguez's Projected WAR was probably pretty ridiculous as well...

This is a stupid contract, but whatever, good for them. You are betting on a 31 year old (and his age is questionable) to hold up for at least 6 years at his current production. GOOD LUCK.

Umm... ESPN is reporting that the deal is done. So.... Who failed?

Now if we could just educate the Democrats on subjects like "Reality: Actually not Idealism" and "How the Economy Works for Idiots" we might get somewhere in this country.

OK, seeing as the people that responded to my last post didn't read it, let me try again. I read through this article quickly, and missed the DNA test. She DEFINITELY had sex with Jameis, BUT, unfortunately, her shaky memory of the night, and all of the other testimony REALLY made even charging him with rape very

I NEVER said that she made it up, you people are not reading my post. I said that I hoped that it was mistaken identity and not a fame grab. I of course did not read through the article carefully enough to see the DNA match, so definitely my fault.

No, I NEVER said she made up Winston's name to get attention, I said that I hope that she didn't do that.

I didn't read the report, so I didn't see that he showed up as a positive match on the rape kit. Obviously not a case of mistaken identity.

God I CAN NOT get enough Mike Tyson stories. Probably the best story of an American Life ever.

It is horrible that this woman was raped, but honestly the 'non-descript black man' and the 'memory being very broken' jumped off of the page for me. There is just no evidence there to charge Winston, hopefully, the young woman had details filled in by other people and didn't name Winston for attention.

Yeah but then he'd have to admit to shower-raping little boys.

"Glock coming out with a line of spray bottles for veggie wash"

There can be miracles,

I find it HILARIOUS, that 17 years in, you idiots are complaining that South Park is offensive. Matt and Trey have a fairly strong understanding of Japanese, and definitely intentionally did this. It is South Park, it is supposed to be offensive. Hell, look how hard these three episodes went after American culture.

Here is the bottom line, being fat is not healthy. But let's end the preaching on both sides. Don't try to pretend that there is a healthy obese, and stop treating obese adults like children. Present the information and let people figure it out on their own. If they choose to do nothing and end up dying from it,

BMI is honestly a shit index. Having a proper body fat percentage taken by a doctor using calipers is really the best way to know where you stand. In High School I got DQ'd from the Wrestling team for showing up to my Dr.s office with a sub-4% body fat. Today I'm sitting between 15-20%, wishing I had the drive to

Uhhh... Whoa.... Shaving legs is a must. I'm not talking like an everyday thing, but visible leg hair on a female, as in anything more than a few days stubble, is a game ender for me.