
So sad that that movie will always be attached to the disappointment surrounding the sequels. What a ground breaking film.

I know where you are coming from. I actually liked Mario 64, but my favorite by far was always Super Mario Bros. 3. Then Mario Galaxy came out and blew my mind away.

EXACTLY. The first lesson my dad ever taught me about guns is that every thing, animal, or person that you point a gun at is dead the second that you point that gun at it/them. I am currently a gun owner, and to this day have only ever pointed a gun at one person trying to rob my house and "fucking cripple [my]

Yeah, umm... Regardless how you feel about gun rights (I am a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment), brandishing a loaded weapon in a crowd, while dancing, WITHOUT A SAFETY is just fucking stupid. Only a brain dead moron would do something like this, and unfortunately, it seems as though the guy who discharged the

Haha, yeah I know that, trust me I think I probably drooled over pictures of Dreamcast games more than Playboys (I was 14 and had found my dad's stash, so that's saying something) during that 10 month period where info was just flooding out of Japan on this ridiculously awesome looking console.

This is my favorite Gaming timeline ever.

In the 90's, America was most definitely the world. Did you see Independence Day? Learn your history son, none of you frenchies had that balls to go face to face with the aliens.

Stuffing is disgusting. Yep. I said it. I'll take good old fashioned deep fried Turkey any day.

Yeah, I think I need to look in to this. I generally can only get around 5 hours of sleep at night. On my best days, I get my 4-6 hours of night sleep and then around an hour of nap sleep later.

Honestly, I think that with the PC that you have, there is no need to have either one of the "New HD Twins" systems for any reason whatsoever. Wii U is clutch for the Ninty games if you are into that sort of thing, otherwise, stay PC.

Unfortunately, yes, you are obese, and your body is not healthy. You are putting yourself at risk for a myriad of health problems later in life. The solution? Slow, gradual dieting by means of portion control and better eating, not starving yourself. Slowly, VERY SLOWLY, reduce your portions a little, hit the

Yeah but Golddust almost biting Michael Strahan was hilarious.

Yeah, I have a Wii U for Ninty games, but after looking at the honestly sub-par offerings for games on these two new boxes, I spent $150 to upgrade my graphics card sitch (really just bought another and went to SLI) and now I can pretty much get the same performance out of my PC as any early adopter can out of their

The Wii U is a great piece of tech, not as powerful as the two new boxes, but good enough for HD graphics, and there are more than 20 games out right now. I'm going to wait until around this time next year to make a decision on one of the new consoles. Or, you know, go with a real next gen system and upgrade my PC.

Its crazy and sad to me that this was my top priority gaming wise this year (Pokemon X/Y was 2) and I've been so damned busy with work that I totally didn't realize that it was out today, a Gamestop trip is in my immediate future.

Its crazy and sad to me that this was my top priority gaming wise this year (Pokemon X/Y was 2) and I've been so damned busy with work that I totally didn't realize that it was out today, a Gamestop trip is in my immediate future.

Also, the argument NINTENDO ONLY MAKES SEQUELS!!!! BE ORIGINAL ALREADY!!!! that the neckbeards make right before they go back to playing Call of Duty 15.

Galaxy 2 was an entirely different game once you got to the Green Star Hunt. Those devilish bastards could test every ounce of patience and reflex that you had.

As an East-Coaster, I look forward to my next Seattle trip so that I can see you pot smokers toking up outside a bar and throw a TON of judgment at you. That is, judgement that you are awesome for passing a legal weed law. If the 2 months that I had spent in Seattle as a child hadn't literally been rain everyday, I

That person that leaked Winstons test results committed a crime and shouldn't be lauded for handing over controversial information.