
How about getting a REAL next gen system, IE, a PC, since these two boxes are pumping out graphics that have been available for two years on PC. Boring, NEXT!

If you are in or around Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Museum of Art has a wonderful section of Armor on permanent display. And you know, you can also do the Rocky Run up the stairs of the museum, which is obviously the best.

huh?.... what's that?... would you just go away for a while I'm Poke-sterbating.

How are you people flying through this so fast? I am 41 hours in and still don't have 3 badges. It's not that the game is hard, it's that it is impossible to me not to just keep battling and evolving everything I catch. Especially when I catch something crappy a la Magikarp, I go full into mom mode "YOU'LL BE

My dad had a mysterious heart condition flare up during my Junior Year of High School. He is self employed so there was no sick pay, and his insurance covered only some of his bills. He couldn't work for several months. MY brother and I quit our sports teams and got jobs, my mom worked extra hours and we cut off

All of the poverty in my family stems from lazy shitbags who would rather get fat off of EBT bought junk food and live in trailers than get jobs.

God you are a fucking asshat. Do you like the conveniences that global trade brings? Guess what keeps those seaways open? No guesses? American Naval Might you fucking leftist shit bag. Do the country a favor, stop using resources and go die in a forest, your carcass will feed animals.

I hope for the first possibility every day.

You lost all credibility when you championed Creole gumbo. Cajun gumbo, perfected in Lafayette, trumps all other gumbo.

To be fair, maybe he just hates the Style Network. Have you ever watched it? It's basically the downfall of Western Civilization.

Nah bro, the bible says something about hating gays. I haven't really read it, because, you know, reading is hard, LOLZ! But yeah, gays burn in hell in stuff, and so you have to be mean to them. Its defs in the bible bro, defs.

Jets is just fantastic.

Cardinals fans, because if Boston wins, you know that Red Sox fans have to go back to their miserable Boston existences at some point.

That game was horridly fantastic.

I have a Wii U to play Nintendo games, but other than that, I am in PC mode until at least the '2nd Wave' of games hits these two 'HD Twins 2'. Nothing at launch looks even remotely worth buying either. I've been burned by console launches too many times (including Wii U), this time I'm in sit back and watch mode.

Playstation: Fourth of Its Name, King of the Sack Boys, Jaks and Dexters, Usurper of Motion Control, Champion of Kratos-ing, Bringer of the Red Stripe of Death.

Giovanni stands out to me because it was such a surprise that he was the leader of the gym that had been closed the whole damned game. Also, because it was just a new experience the first time through.


I mean that's still a really decent Shredder joke.

That's why you just rip the shirt off Hulkamania style and go right into barbarian pose mode.