
Also, American Democrats used to be the party of Racism and Slavery prior to the 1960s. Before that time, the South was solidly Democratic, with pockets of Black Republicans. In the late 50's early 60's, it switched (unfortunately, I wish Socialism and Racism were in the same party, they are equals to me) and

Is this coming to a real device anytime soon? Or just Zune 2:PhoneNightmare and Zune 3:TabletDisaster?

Better than Call of Duty

Ex-Athlete with a booze problem? Still better qualified than anyone on MSNBC or FoxNews.

Oh you..

You know, we can stop worrying about China taking over the world, they really are becoming more American by the day.

At least Shanahan finally has his head out of his ass on one issue.

Well, I'll forgive her because... TALENT!

Eh... I'm not really seeing the scandal, there was a lot of hype surrounding the release, it was known that supply was limited and that Gamestop would be the only retailer, how they go about their business is up to them. If you don't like it, don't give them your money.

Just had that pointed out to me and I responded appropriately, but, the gist of it was, GOD I FEEL RETARDED.

Yeah.... thats.. embarassing... It even has CANINE in the name.... *wipes egg off face*

Saw this on reddit, and I'll repeat my critique from there, Jasmine should have had Arcanine, Pidgey makes no sense. I mean, you have a girl with a pet tiger and you don't use the Tiger Pokemon?

That's if you skip some side quests, you cold easily sink more than 100 hours into the game trying to unlock everything.

Rough year for both of us, huh?

Or dying

He didn't cheat, no way he cheated. I don't care what you show me, as my childhood rests on this belief, HE DID NOT CHEAT!

Someone needs to meme-erize this now.

Oh my god I saw this movie last night and it was just as wonderful as I remembered.

Yeah, true story, I only ran into this as a problem when I first got the game because, I was young and inattentive. I was just checking to see if my memory was correct since its been so long. Hell, I don't think I've died in Earthbound in over 15 years, I know all the grinding spots by heart at this point.

Don't you lose half of your money in your possession? Its been a LOOOOOOONG time but I thought that you lose half of the money in your possession.