
Yeah, in all seriousness, I got one of the launch lemons, and they were horrid about it. At first, they denied it was a 'them' problem. But thankfully for me, there was that massive wave of console failure and they were forced to take them all back and fix them. It still took them 3 months of going back and forth

I don't know, you have to put their quarterly report in context, and honestly, them being a Japanese Company, you shouldn't read that much into their quarterly report.

I mean, it only took them 3 months to give the OK to fix my launch 360, but that was the first time. The next two times, it didnt take nearly as long.

Yeah, next time, just sign an abortion contract, a la JJ Reddick.

People asked this same question when Sega Genesis was leading Super Nintendo in sales in the early days, the same thing when N64 lost the Console Market Lead, the same thing when the Gamecube was in 3rd place, and the same thing prior to the launch of the Wii.

That isn't true. Until this generation, Nintendo HAS ALWAYS sold their home consoles for a profit.

They did a "spray chart" of Babe Ruth hits in the Polo Grounds, where the center field fence was 500 feet. In today's rubber band box Yankees Stadium, he would have hit 104 HRs in his 60 HR season. And there would have still been 10 games left.

No man, Come on, MS has a rich history of smooth launches and ZERO tolerance for hardware hiccups.

All the time, and sometimes, on purpose.

Kanye West, right in the middle of accepting some award. World Hero status would be handed out the next day.

Yeah, exactly what you said would have avoided the collision, and made it less likely that Dioner would lose the ball. He didn't anyway, but kneeling on top of the plate was exactly what we were taught not to do in Little League.

I love Utley for how he plays the game. Again, this is another instance of the catcher being at fault, he didnt need to be right on top of the plate to make that play. He put himself in harms way and had harm come to him, his fault.

Time for you to start watching golf buddy.

Don't know, I'm 28 and it sill makes me smile.

I once met a VERY attractive young lady who seemingly shared many of my political view points and basically all of my interests. We went on a few dates, she was religious but not 'no-sex-before-marriage' religious, and she had a gay best friend, so I THOUGHT, that she didn't share the gay hate of some of our fellow

As a Pennsylvania Conservative, I hate that this pile of shit is associated with me. If one of you libbos could hook me up with a Presidential Pardon in advance, I will personally put him down for America. Seriously, call POTUS, get me a pardon, job done.

Abstainence, 100% effective.

No, just the glory boy stoners do this. I smoke regularly, but honestly don't let anyone but those that I smoke with know since it would be a detriment to my career for this to be public knowledge. I smoke because I like to, same reason that I drink and have sex. If I didn't like it I wouldn't do it.

Uh... well... I kind of get where you are coming from, because until college, I hated the "stoner-and-now-im-cool" crowd. Then I smoked, liked it, and see why people do it.

From what I have read about this game, it seams like a nightmare. May this husk of crap never reach these hallowed shores.