
Let's avoid hyperbole as we address this issue. Many thousands of firearm owners did no harm today. It's reasonable to assume a substantial number of those people have been responsible firearm owners.

That's what I'm thinking. Natasha, you have pica, okay? Go to the doctor.

If this were in a movie, we'd make fun of the writer for not making up a believable name.

In addition to what Tabitha said, it sounds like the dog did have a condition of some sort, just one that was treatable and was being adequately managed. But that does change things in the eyes of a vet...if devil lady claimed she couldn't afford continued treatment or something like that, the vet might have felt it

I....I don't understand what you want people to stop doing. Stop talking about the problem?

So I have just finished watching this movie and I have thoughts:

Conversation I had with friend who loves horror movies:

"Fault" isn't the issue I'm writing about. Moving past one's patterns and/or learning how someone can be an abuser in your life is what I'm talking about. Because at some point, whether you're an abuser or a victim, you've got to move beyond what you're doing.

I've talked to many adults and older teens and they all say the same thing, "I know what s/he did was wrong but..." And the "but" is always them making excuses because, unfortunately, that's the nature of being an abuse victim.

I'm not going to phrase this well but I can dig up a source if anyone needs it: IQs rise with each generation (what counts as average is higher with each generation) and no one knows why. But maybe it's because we have a better handle with each generation on how not to poison our kids? I'm no scientist. But science

After I had my daughter, my mom made me drink a beer every day, whether I wanted to or not, because it supposedly helps with milk production. Her mother and grandmother did the same. She'll be pretty disappointed when I tell her she made me drink alcohol for no reason- but then again, I suspected it always had more to

Probably not if that's the way they specifically would like to be referred to as.

Yup, there is something weirdly romantic about the Christmas season, I've definitely had a few relationships end around this time of year, often followed by the beginnings of new relationships. One didn't make it far past Valentine's Day, but a couple others did last a while. It was even around this time of year that

THIS IS HUGE. I found out that the guy I was dating was looking around on Tinder for women. This was just one of the horrible things he did to me but I broke it off with him two weeks ago and I have no regrets. People need to either be in the relationship or leave. He didn't have the balls to leave, so I did it

Nope! Madly in love up in this joint

Her ex did it better.

Ashlee Simpson: The "and guest" of her own life.

I'll tell you what, boys: if you can find something to wear other than a grubby t-shirt and jeans, shave once in awhile, spend as much time on your hair and skin in the morning as women do, and learn how to make eyes at me across the room, I'll ask you out and pay for your dinner. Of course, I reserve the right to


Me anytime mr.muffins talks about burning man, his ex, him in HS/jr. college.. or the other 10 stories he tells everyone we have ever met.