
Yep, which renders the whole concept of Klingon victory moot. Its lip service.

The Klingons as presented in this show don’t have depth and we barely spent any time on the war from their side, other than in ways that presented them as backstabbing power-grabbers.

Honestly, that’s what I was talking about when I mentioned a micro machine from a mile away.

Isn’t Legends of Tomorrow already a DC/CW sitcom?

I don’t recall seeing any of these in the prequels. Is there a CLEAR shot of any? I mean, not just a shot of a micro machines version from a mile away.

Sony, still fully committed to damaging the Spider Man brand as badly as possible.

I enjoyed this movie on day 1. Sorry.

Sure they will, and he will be the arch enemy of both Blade and Dr. Strange!

Usually I’d jump on board but for my 2 cents it seems like KT made an effort to be more even handed in this review.

This is nothing like The Naked Now. This arc was great. That was shit.

Speaking only for myself, I have a distaste for reviews that I know are going to be negative on an emotional level, regardless of how good or bad the thing being reviewed is. When I read these reviews they reinforce my belief that KT goes in with her mind already set that she hates the show and she’s just looking to

I will never move to a streaming only option.

It’s bad, for me, and apparently a good number of others, to read time and again this unrelenting bashing of a show that many of us like, but also, it doesn’t really provide much of value. And it’s just buying into the bullshit “WE NEED TO AVOID ALL TROPES”. Every story has essentially been told. TV is like Taco Bell,

Look, we can agree to disagree - which is fine - but read through the comments and then tell me whether or not I’m alone in the argument I’ve put forth.

Its not a matter of being friends. Its about your experience while reading their posts. KT’s reviews of Disco are always negative. No matter what, its a stream of consciousness transcript of her hate watching session. There are no other reviewers on this site, so the only point of view represented by this site is that

This episode should require a box of wine (Franzia) to go with all of its cheese.

I didn’t realize those were dudes. I thought this was from the Sony reboot at first.

I have no power to mandate anything. Maybe someone who likes the show was the wrong way to put it. Someone with a more open mind about the show is what I should have written.

OK, let’s look at it from a different perspective to see if this makes it clearer. We all have our own subjective views on life and the world around us. Now, who would you rather spend your time with, the person who is more pleasant and optimistic, or a person who is always grumpy and negative and hostile and who

Its a problem because you’ll never get an actual review. You’ll just get a rant.