
It's too bad.  I very much wanted to play both of those games, but not buying an XBox to do so.

So.... Prodigy is getting another season 1 finale with the same name?

Could it just be linguistic/regional differences?

Now I demand Pelia in Lower Decks.

The worst of 90's gaming? You mean T2 the arcade game for Sega Genesis, where you have to destroy every single item in Cyberdyne, and if you miss as much as a speck of dust you lose? Or, also Sega related, waiting an eternity for Mortal Kombat CD, only for it to be a steaming dung heap on release?

I have to agree with this.  That show felt like it was filmed on set in a theme park.

Make it more like El Mariachi and less like Spy Kids and I think we’ll be good.

I’m waiting for it to cost $10 but that’s just my general price point :P

Last week I flew Southwest for the first time, and after finding out about their ‘open seat’ policy, it will be the last time.  The only reason I did so was it was my only option from NYC to Vegas without a flight change.  I should have taken the flight change.

1000x this.  Zero interest in Academy.

Oh no, please let it not be Dukat

At this point I’m tempted to buy Bayonetta 3 to support her removal.

Dammit, that was word for word what I came here to write.

But that’s the beauty of the show. They need to be promoted and learn how difficult it is to do their new jobs well while maintaining perspective on the lives of their replacements. Basically learning how much middle management life sucks.

I wouldn’t have known about the post credits scene if I hadn’t looked here.  Are there scenes in every episode?

I feel like the bar is being set too high for this show. Can’t it just be a fun workplace comedy about a pack of slackers?  Its good to see them trying to be more but slackers gonna slack.

Why not call it War Machine?  Or War Machines if pluralization is needed.

This is one of those facts that proves ignorance is bliss.

“maybe he's a fan of classical jizz" is the typo of the year

Man... taking our low hanging fruit