
Well now I’m feeling genuinely saddened by this.

Sorry folks, but I fully agree with the sentiments above. As much as part 1 was basically PTSD: The Motion Picture, I think it was necessary, and satisfying. The slower, quieter moments are what define this saga.

Send this guy to the Satellite of Love

Why the Fuck Are Middle-Class Parents This Overwhelmed?

Save the aliens! Sorry, no aliens :(

I like that one, but not nearly as much as this.

The tags are what I use to search for things. I know now to try both tags, but still, it’s a pita

Hey man, I was Harry Dresden before you even autitioned ((sniff))

A wee suggestion: can we consolidate recaps into a single flag? tv-recap or tv-recaps?

Guinness is very good, but for my stout fix I’ll continue enjoying this.

Fallout 4 has a season pass? I’m kind of tempted to cancel my pre-order... because with very little time to play my cheap ass may just wait for a compilation.

Fallout 4 has a season pass? I’m kind of tempted to cancel my pre-order... because with very little time to play my

If Pabst offered buttery comfort I’d drink that shit.

In America butter beer is greasy Budweiser.

Like Brian Blessed, every show could use more.

I’m OK with this. Maybe if I’m lucky I will get a ridiculous increase in pay, enough to make me consider a Showtime subscription.

I think you may be reading into this a bit. I doubt that was the intent of the episode back when it was originally being written.

Didn’t the suit get passed on to a woman?

Bleargh. I would rather see that money put into Almost Human Season 2.

Hey, that’s the idea I’ve been peddling for years here :’(