
I’m looking forward to Van He’ll Sing the musical.

Eastman: He came out of the east to do battle with the Amazing Rando!

Appears to be buildings on the ground - Ren overseeing a ground assault?

At that price I’d rather have a BB-8 cocktail mixer.

This may be the only time vertical video is actually appropriate.

I really liked the new Fright Night.

For all its faults I still like it a lot more than that whale tale.

When I was younger I had time and fewer responsibilities, so yeah, MP would have been great. Now I got shit to do.

In a world where John Harrison is Khan anything is possible.

Wasn’t that Anakin’s mother’s name?

I’m in no rush to play (anything) at the moment - except for maybe Fallout 4, so if there’s a deal on the game (Black Friday or otherwise) I may consider it.

They Hunger Games’d it? The first game is no action and all PTSD?

My phone has a bizarre autocorrect with punctuation issues. How do you survive the internet with such low typo tolerance? It’s nothing but your in place of you’re an should of instead of should have.

Wow, you’re magic.

There’s a difference. I can split my focus and send of pithy replies while getting work done. Gaming on the other hand, when I get time for it, generally involves me getting to the console semi sleepy and falling asleep intermittently. Even without the sleep playing, multiplayer gaming is just not fun for me. I don’t

The single player modes are, as far as I can tell, the multiplayer modes but with bots instead of humans.

I don’t have the energy to be sarcastic back to this.

Once again, WTF does that have to do with anything? My setup is perfectly capable of playing multiplayer games. I just have zero interest in multiplayer gaming.

People still say homeboy?