
She flies the Falcon. She’s not pissed. That face matches her wallet, which says Bad Motherfucker on it.


Just for this I’m going to start using “photoshop” in sentences the way Smurfs use “smurf”.

Wow, Lois Lane just topped Mary Jane Watson for being the worst.

Nobody told Jeremy Renner because every time he opens his mouth bad shit falls out.

OK, but why was this an arrestable offense? I can see giving a fine and confiscating the device, but arrest??

Why was this an arrestable offense?

I haven’t seen it but still glad a sequel is possible. Sorry haters.

This isn’t all I do, and no, I’m not using Linux. Perhaps the server hosting this site is, but I am not making direct use of Linux.

Most of the software I use isn’t on the web.


Is Mock Tarkin like Mock Chicken?

You mean just cut myself off from the software I want to use and overall ease of use in the event MS tries to do something?

Your skirt should order better drinks. I’ll stick to my stout and whiskey.

Bleh. For you maybe.


How is this worse than attacks on Planned Parenthood?

I would buy a WII U just for that.