
I liked this until seeing the catch about needing to be digital. I kind of liked the idea of writing something.

Sorry. This is likely the only Zorro I would watch.

This assumes they have what you want and will continue to indefinitely.

I know super heroes need to have a distinct look and all, but in terms of practicality...

I am working on adding a new issue type to a particular Jira project while wading through the 50,000 layers of red tape needed to do so. Yay Screens, Screen Schemes, Issue Types, Issue Type Schemes, Fields, Field Configurations, Field Configuration Schemes, New Workflows, Drafts, Publishing Drafts, Indexing, BRAIN

Nowhere near as bad as the Enterprise opening.

Sounds good. When the price drops :)


This may be the best thing I’ve read on this site. Ever.

I’d be OK if there was a printable glossary or support in the Kindle version that would provide definitions on the fly. I’ll get Seveneves when the Kindle price drops. I have a thing about paying more than $10 for an eBook.

I will give it another go :)

Shit I’m too old for:

This would not be an issue if highlighting the word would pull its definition from the built in glossary.

Maybe, but that means paying twice for it, and I’m a cheap ass.

Yeah, I heard the same about The City and The City and I could not make it through that either. I will give both another chance one day.

I want to read Seveneves but I tried one of his last books (I forget the name. Had a speelysomething as film recorder) but the fictional language was so prevalent and the Kindle didn’t make it easy to look up every word, so I gave up. Afraid of paying for another book I might give up on.

No worries, thanks

... and?