
This would have impressed me:

Didn’t we cover this ground already?

Maybe I need to see more. All I see is a puppypigeon.

Fuck it, just bust out the tentacles, this already went way too far as is, might as well be done with half measures.

Ha ha, you might not think I can fit both, but I can!

Nice spot for a touch screen interface.

You may be right.

I remember hearing how great Ico was - so I busted my ass to find a copy. Got it, tried it, sat back thinking WTF? Put it back. Got Shadow of the Colossus. Got my ass beaten down repeatedly because the character felt completely uncontrollable. Put it away. Got PS3 remakes thinking hey maybe the control scheme is

If feeling like this company’s games are overhyped dramas with horrific controls and that this is not all that exciting means I have no soul then I’m going to say that the soul tends to be way too fan boyish to reside here.

It does, I’m not looking to tear it down

A good portion of that really has more to do with the downsides of religion.

Cute, but it only picks at one aspect of the film. Still, is there anything to back up the asssertion that more harm has been done by people panicked over society that societal decline? I would argue that in cases where this might be true the societal decline has caused a panic in those responsible for the decline. I

You’re right, and the content of the article is very interesting. You’re absolutely right about the need to expand our definitions. On a basic level though these high level definitions are helpful for people, at least to understand themselves to some degree - but not to the point where people feel trapped by a label.

OK, you can make an argument that in this case perhaps bullying is a bit too strong of a word. I do understand where you’re coming from in this particular article. I feel as though there is a growing trend towards aggressive, persuasive negativity and mild shaming in blog writing these days, even if it is mild or

I don’t get why people love bullying tactics in blog posts. AAAARGH ENOUGH OF BLACK AND WHITE ITS ALL GREY! YOU’RE EATING YOUR CUPCAKES ALL WRONG! Although they are social constructs, the intro/extro/ambivert labels still have merit. If I were to use bullying tactics in an article I’d go with something like Let’s quit

Chris Pratt, who will be playing EVERY role, including Black Widow, who will finally get her own movie now that it has a male lead.

Tesla - for the monies, of course.

Your sacrifice was not in vain. Thanks to your advice I waited until I was done with my cereal.